This article will go over the setup for Dalux Handover.
The requirements for a handover can be controlled, by setting the templates and properties for assets and products. Tasks can be used to facilitate communication within Dalux linked to assets.
Table of contents
How to set up Dalux Handover
User rights
Setup for Handover needs to be done by a project administrator or a Handover administrator.
To set up Dalux Handover, go to: Settings
(Click the image to enhance)
General Handover settings
General settings for Dalux Handover are:
- Economy
- Metadata
- Task template
If maintenance tasks are created on assets and products, economic costs can be linked to them.
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Metadata relates to the columns shown under files. It is not possible to delete the Dalux standard metadata. Metadata can be added, the order can be changed, and it can be changed whether to show metadata fields by default or not.
(Click the image to enhance)
The Task template can be changed. The task template can be customized by dragging data fields from the left.
The task template is used when a review manager sends tasks in the Handover module. Tasks in Dalux Handover function the same as tasks in Dalux Field but are contained in the Handover module, and always linked to an asset.
(Click the image to enhance)
Asset settings
The settings for assets are:
- Properties
- Templates
- Status setup
- Deleted assets
Properties are data fields that appear in the templates. Properties can be used to set the requirements for the handover, by selecting what properties should be in each template. You can select which properties to display in specific templates or all templates.
(Click the image to enhance)
When clicking on a property, and then Edit, it is possible to set certain properties as required when handing over.
If a property is set as 'Required when handing over' the status of an asset cannot be set as 'Completed' or 'Ready for review' until the property has been filled out.
(Click the image to enhance)
Templates are used when creating new assets. Templates are required before assets can be created. It is possible to use templates from:
- Template standard - Dalux has several template standards that can be imported (See below)
- Company standard - If you have access to a company profile, templates can be added from here
- Project - Templates can be imported from another project
Excel - Templates can be imported from an Excel sheet template (Go to
'Export to Excel' to download an Excel template). Excel import only imports names and not properties.
- Dalux FM - Templates can be imported from a Dalux FM project if available
Multiple template imports can be merged if needed. Dalux will ask whether to replace or merge if the properties already exist.
(Click the image to enhance)
Status setup is used to control how the status of an asset can be changed. There are options to:
- Prepare assets
- Fill out assets (always on)
- Review assets (Review manager)
An explanation of each point can be seen by hovering the mouse over the information icon.
If the option 'Review assets' is chosen, a review manager should also be selected.
The review manager(s) in Dalux Handover is responsible for reviewing and approving the handover material. They can change the statuses of assets in the review categories. They are the only users who can create tasks on assets and are responsible for closing finished tasks.
Review managers can be assigned here or in the work packages in Handover.
(Click the image to enhance)
Finally, deleted assets can be seen and recovered in the 'Deleted assets' settings.
(Click the image to enhance)
Export settings
Exporting all the data from Dalux Handover is done in Settings
It is possible to export the data to a COBie standard Excel sheet.
Data can also be exported to Dalux FM via an API key. This requires contacting your Dalux consultant.
Read more
If you want to learn more about work packages and workflows in Dalux Handover, you can read this article: Work packages and workflows in Dalux Handover.