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Asset statuses and tasks in Dalux Handover

In Dalux Handover, statuses are used to indicate the progress of the handover process. These status changes provide information to all parties involved and help administrators identify missing information.

Tasks can be used to facilitate communication within Dalux and are always linked to an asset.

Table of contents

  1. How to set up statuses and tasks in Dalux Handover
  2. How to use statuses and tasks in Dalux Handover

How to set up statuses and tasks in Dalux Handover

User rights

Setup for Handover needs to be done by a project administrator or Handover administrator.

To start setting up Dalux Handover, go to Settings Handover.

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Set up statuses in Dalux Handover

Status setup is used to control how the status of an asset can be changed. There are options to:

  • Prepare assets
  • Fill out assets (always on)
  • Review assets (review manager)

An explanation of each point can be seen for each point by hovering the mouse over the information icon. If 'Review assets' is selected, a review manager should be selected as well.

The review manager(s) in Dalux Handover is responsible for reviewing and approving the handover material. They can change the statuses of assets in the review categories. They are the only users who can create tasks on assets and are responsible for closing finished tasks. Review managers can be assigned here or in the work packages in Handover.

To select statuses for assets, go to

Settings Handover Status setup Select which statuses you wish to use on the project.

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Setting up tasks in Dalux Handover

In Dalux Handover, it is only the review manager who can send and close tasks. The review manager is set by going to Settings Handover Work packages.

In the review manager role, add one or more users as review managers.

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The task template can be changed. The data fields on the left can be dragged over, to customize the task template. The task template is used when a review manager sends tasks in the Handover module.

Tasks in Dalux Handover function the same as tasks in Dalux Field, but are contained in the Handover module.

To change the task template, go to Settings Handover 'Task template'.

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How to use statuses and tasks in Dalux Handover

Changing statuses on assets in Dalux Handover depends on which role the user is assigned to, and which statuses have been activated. This article assumes all status types have been activated.

How to use statuses in Dalux Handover

The different statuses in Dalux Handover are:

  • Draft
  • New
  • In progress
  • Completed
  • Ready for review
  • Under review
  • Returned
  • Reviewed

When an asset is opened, the status will show in the upper right corner.

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In the screenshot above, the Handover administrator can change the status of an asset to any of the activated statuses. Here an asset has been prepared in draft status.

When changing the status, a new pop-up window will appear, where a description for the status change can be added.

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Status changes are logged on the asset and can be seen by pressing History.

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Since the assets are associated with work packages, the asset above will appear in the New folder for those in the work package. 

In the example below, the filled-out asset can be submitted as Ready for review.

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The asset is now located in the review inbox under Ready for review.

The review manager can review the asset and mark it as Reviewed or Returned if there is missing information.

When returning an asset a task can be created, to make it clear what information is missing.

When setting an asset as Reviewed, the review manager can lock the asset so it cannot be edited further. Handover administrators can unlock the asset.

This is covered in the next section.

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How to use tasks in Dalux Handover

The review manager has the ability to create tasks within Handover. If the status of the asset is set as Returned Dalux will also ask if a task should be created.

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Tasks work the same as Dalux Field and Dalux Handover.

When the task is sent, it will appear in the inbox of the responsible. The asset, the task was created on, is linked and can be opened directly from the task.

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The asset can then be updated to fit the feedback and resubmitted. The task does not automatically change status when assets are updated. The tasks need to be reported as ready and finally closed by the review manager.

(Click the image to enhance)

Read more

If you want to learn more about the setup of Dalux Handover we have more articles on this in our HelpCenter.

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