In this article, we will go over how to submit a bid on a tender in the Dalux Tender module.
Table of contents
How to bid on a tender
User rights
You need to be the 'Bid responsible' to bid on a tender. If you have an observer role, you can see when a bid has been placed by your company and view the bid.
To submit a bid on a tender, go to My bid
Create bid:
(Click the image to enhance)
Then fill out the individual tender requirement fields and upload files where necessary. If you are not ready to submit the bid, because you do not have all the requirements for the bid ready, you can choose not to fill out all of the fields and then click on 'Save draft':
(Click the image to enhance)
Submit the bid
To submit the bid, you must fulfill the mandatory requirements marked as required, which is denoted by the small red star () next to the individual tender requirements.
When all fields have been filled in, you submit the bid by clicking on 'Submit bid':
Tips and tricks
When you click 'Submit bid' you can still edit the bid as long as the deadline has not passed yet.
Viewing the bid receipt
When you have submitted the bid, you will be able to send a receipt for the deliveries to all users in your company (those invited as observers):
(Click the image to enhance)
The bid can now be viewed from Home where you can also send further receipts:
(Click the image to enhance)