This article covers how to get started as a bidder in the Dalux Tender module. You will learn how to create a user/accept a tender invitation, invite other users from your company or subcontractors, and how to send questions to the tender manager.
Table of contents
- Video
- How to create a user for a tender
- Navigate the tender
- How to invite other users to your tender
- How to ask questions about the tender
- How to place a bid on a tender
How to create a user for a tender
User rights
In order to bid on an tender, you must have a user profile with access to the tender project.
To create a user, you must be invited by the tender responsible.
Once invited, you will receive an email where you can accept the invitation to the tender:
If you click on 'Accept invitation', you will be asked to create a new user in a new pop-up dialog where you will have to fill in the relevant information.
If you have already created a user for a Dalux project, you will be taken directly to that project instead.
Once your user has been created, you will be taken to the main page for that tender, where you can view information about it.
Public link log-in
Some public tenders in Dalux will have a publication date earlier than the start of the tender. This means that you can access the tender material before the tender starts, but you won't be able to bid.
In this case, to access the tender, you will need the public link, which will look like this
From here, you can either open the tender material or request access to it:
When you request access, you will be prompted to create an account:
Tips and tricks
If you already have an account, you'll be told that you're already registered and should log in instead. Log in by clicking "Request Access" and then clicking "Login" in the upper right corner of the window:
Navigate the tender
Bidders can see of all their active tenders and switch between them from the tender overview. Once a tender has been open, you can switch between tenders in the drop-down menu or return to the overview.
(Click the image to enhance)
The sidebar menu allows you to navigate to different parts of the tender.
From here, you can view the tender material, view the Questions and Answers section, and place your bid. You can also invite other people in your company or your subcontractors to view the tender.
If you do so, they will also need to create a Dalux profile or use an existing one.
(Click the image to enhance)
Tender material
To view the tender material, click on Tender material and either select
All files or locate the specific folder that you need to view material from:
(Click the image to enhance)
Download all tender material
To download all documents, go to
Tender material
All files
Download all files as zip:
When downloading tender material, the folder structure is downloaded as well. A file list is also automatically generated.
(Click the image to enhance)
How to invite other users to your Tender
You can invite other people in your organization to view tender material, manage their access (such as making them the responsible person for the tender), or revoke their access.
You can invite people from your company as well as your subcontractors. A user cannot be in both groups at the same time.
My company
Inviting and managing users from your company is done from My company in the sidebar menu. This is also where you can unsubscribe from the tender if necessary.
User rights
Only one user per company can hold the 'Bid responsible' role, granting them the right to place bids on tenders. Subsequent users will only have 'Observer' rights, allowing them to view the tender material but not place bids.
To invite users, click on Add
Type in their email
Fill in their name, and optionally add a message
(Click the image to enhance)
Observers can see everything the person responsible for the tender can see. They can also ask questions if questions and answers are enabled.
My subcontractors
In My subcontractors you can invite and manage your subcontractors.
To invite them, click on Add
Type in their email
Fill in their name and optionally add a message
User rights
Subcontractors invited in this way will only be able to view the tender material and only the tender questions/answers that have been shared with them.
They cannot see the company's bid or upload their own bid.
How to ask questions about the tender
If questions and answers are enabled for the tender, you can submit questions to the tender responsible.
If public questions are enabled for the tender, you can see the questions that other bidders have asked, but you cannot see their identities, and you remain anonymous when you ask questions.
To post a question, go to
New question
Fill in the title and the question
Click 'Send':
(Click the image to enhance)
When a question in the tender is answered, you will be notified by email.
You can also go to the Questions/Answers section at any time to view all your questions, all posted answers, and all published questions.
How to place a bid on a tender
Read more
If you want to learn more about placing a bid on a tender, you can read this article: Bid on a tender.