In this article, we will go over what user roles and user regions are, and how to create them and use them in Dalux FM to manage permissions for users.
User roles and user regions are used to define permissions for users in the Dalux FM instance. User roles are roles with specific permissions to which the user can be assigned. User regions are geographical areas of your system, which can be divided into several areas consisting of your buildings and/or lots.
Table of contents
User roles
User rights
User roles must be set up by an administrator or a user with 'User administration' rights.
To manage user roles, go to Settings
'User roles'.
(Click the image to enhance)
You can create and manage user roles in the Dalux FM instance from here.
The permissions of the user roles can be seen by which columns are checked off in the list view. If you want a more detailed overview, select the specific user role in question and click Show user role:
(Click the image to enhance)
Clicking each module will show you what permissions the user role has in the module. This might be important to know, as a user role can have either limited or full access. Such as being able to only access Locations or having access to Locations and being able to edit the building mass and/or see the documentation:
(Click the image to enhance)
User rights
Being an 'Administrator' overrides all user roles, giving the user full access to everything in the Dalux FM instance.
Predefined user roles
When you start a new Dalux FM instance, a set of predefined user roles will be available.
The following is a list of the predefined user roles:
- HelpDesk and Callcenter (HDC)
- Operation and maintenance personnel (OMP)
- Portfolio manager (PM)
- Read-only rights (ROR)
- User administrator (UA)
- Work order administrator (WOA)
And below you can find their default permissions:
The HelpDesk and Callcenter user role has access to:
- Access to Locations (Can see entire building mass)
- Access to HelpDesk
- Edit HelpDesk
The Operation and maintenance personnel user role has access to:
- Access to Locations
Work orders
- Access to Work orders
- Edit Work orders (All accounts)
- Access to service agreements
- Access to HelpDesk
- Edit HelpDesk
The Portfolio manager user role has access to:
- Access to Locations
- Edit building mass
The Read-only rights user role has access to:
- Access to Locations
Work orders
- Access to Work orders
- Access to service agreements
- Access to HelpDesk
The User administrator user role has access to:
- Access to Locations
User administration
- Access to administration
- Edit users
- Edit roles
- Edit region
The Work order administrator user role has access to:
- Access to Locations
Work orders
- Access to Work orders
- Administrator for module
- Edit Work orders (All accounts)
- Access to service agreements
- Access to HelpDesk
- Administrator for module
- Edit HelpDesk
Create new user roles
To create a new user role, click on Create. Then, name the new role and select the permissions it should have for the different modules:
(Click the image to enhance)
In this instance, we create a 'Budget Administrator' user role and give the role basic access to Locations, and full access and administrative permissions for the Budget module.
When done editing permissions, click 'Create'. The new user role will now display in the list view, where you can further edit it or delete it:
Edit user roles
To edit a user role, select it and click on Show user role. Then proceed to edit the permissions in the different modules and click 'Save'.
Delete User Role
To delete a user role, select it and click Delete user role.
Assign user roles to users
When inviting a new user, you need to assign them one or more user roles to be able to create them in the system. You can read more about managing users in this article: Invite and manage users in Dalux FM.
You can however change their user role at a later date or assign them to more roles if needed.
To assign a user role to a user, go to the user management window in:
To assign or edit a user's user roles, select them in the user management window and click Show user. Then under the 'User roles' section, click
Add and select the user role you want to add:
(Click the image to enhance)
During this step, you can also choose a region for that user role for the user, if you have already set up regions. Repeat this until the user has all the user roles they need.
Remove user roles assignment
If the user was assigned a user role at creation that they should not have, or you want to change it, it is possible to remove assigned user roles.
To remove a user role assignment, go to the 'User roles' section in the user window, select the role you want to remove from the user and click Remove:
Technical information
A user must be assigned to at least one user role. If you remove all of the user roles from a user, you will not be allowed to save the changes made.
User regions
User regions are tied to user roles so that the user will be assigned to a user role within a specific region. This way a user can have different user roles for different regions, for example, user administrator rights in one region, but only reading rights in another.
To make use of user regions, you first need to define the regions in the system.
Create user regions
To do this, go to Settings
'User regions':
(Click the image to enhance)
Then click Create, which will open a new window where you can define the region. You need to fill out a name and assign one (or several) buildings, lots, or both to the region:
(Click the image to enhance)
You can either choose to select all buildings/lots or specific ones. Regions can be used to fine-tune permissions to specific areas.
In this instance, we just choose the building located in 'Vejle' as we want to limit this user to only having user administration over users associated with this region. To do this, check the 'Specific buildings' option and click on the pop-up icon :
This will open a map window where you can select the building(s). Navigate to the building on the map, select it, and click on the double arrow icon to move it to the 'Selected buildings' section and then click 'Select':
(Click the image to enhance)
Tips and tricks
You can also click on Show in list, to get a list view of all the buildings in the project and select it from there.
When the buildings have been selected click 'Create' and the region will be available in the user region list view. With the regions defined, you can start to assign users to the region.
Assign users to regions
Assigning users to regions is done through user roles, as that role will then be assigned to a region. To do this, select a user from the user administration window and click Show user.
Then select a user role in the 'User roles' section and click Edit. In the new window, choose a region and click 'Save':
(Click the image to enhance)
The region update will be displayed in the 'Roles' column in the list view:
(Click the image to enhance)
Now the user will only have User administrator rights in the region called 'Vejle Region' for the project. Besides that, the user has also been given 'Read-only rights' in the Copenhagen Municipality region.
HelpDesk ID
Either when creating a user region or when editing one after the fact, you can give the region a HelpDesk ID. The HelpDesk IDs are tags for user regions that can be used to identify the region when using HelpDesk:
Requiring users to enter these when logging into the HelpDesk App or Portal, makes it easy to control which buildings the users see, as they will only see the buildings associated with the region for which the HelpDesk ID is entered.
To learn how to set up the HelpDesk ID requirement read our article on HelpDesk settings here: HelpDesk settings.