In this article, we cover the basic mobile navigation and features of the Dalux FM Mobile App. This article only covers the Dalux FM app and not the HelpDesk app.
Table of contents
Navigation in the mobile app
If you are unsure how to log in to the Dalux FM mobile app, read this article about Creating a profile and logging in to Dalux FM.
Please note, that the mobile app might appear slightly different depending on which modules are activated in your Dalux FM instance. This article assumes all modules are activated.
The Work orders tab
When you are logged in and have selected a Dalux FM instance, you will be in the 'Work orders' tab.
The work orders tab will show all inboxes, for you and your team, with any potential HelpDesk tickets and work orders.
The number next to each inbox shows the number of open tickets or work orders. Each inbox can be opened, which we cover in detail below.
From this screen, you can also scan a QR code, by pressing the -icon at the top. Scanning a Dalux FM QR Code for a room instantly opens the room in the app. You can read more about this here: QR codes for rooms in Dalux FM.
You can also create new work orders, by clicking the -icon at the bottom of the screen. Work orders on the mobile app are covered in more detail in this article: Creating work orders on the mobile app.
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When opening an inbox, it is possible to sort and filter the view, to get you the information you need quickly and effectively. A set of default filters, such as deadline and priority can easily be toggled on or off.
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You can specify your filter and sorting options by pressing the -icon. This opens a new screen, where the filter can be customized. Note that you can select multiple values before clicking on 'Apply'. This way you can quickly make very specific filters while on the go.
You can flip the order of sorting by clicking on the -icon in the top right.
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The Assets tab
You can switch to the assets tab, by clicking on the -icon in the bottom menu.
The Assets tab will show all assets for the selected building. You can filter Assets by room and discipline (see below).
From this screen, you can also scan a QR code, by pressing the -icon at the top. Scanning a Dalux FM QR Code for an asset instantly opens the asset in the app.
Note that you can only open QR codes, that belong to your current instance. Dalux FM will inform you if the QR code belongs to a different instance.
You can also create assets, by clicking the -icon at the bottom of the screen. Creating assets on the mobile app is covered in more detail in this article: Assets on the Dalux FM mobile app.
The selected building is shown at the top. Under the selected building are the filter options. Under the filter options, a list of classifications can be seen.
The number next to the classification shows the amount of assets. Pressing on the classifications and the assets within will open the asset.
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When looking at an asset in the Dalux FM mobile app, all the associated information will be shown. If you have the proper permissions, you can edit the asset. Documents linked to the asset can be found at the bottom. This makes it easy to find the documentation and information for assets while on the go.
The Locations tab
You can switch to the Locations tab, by clicking on the -icon in the bottom menu.
Locations will also open in the map view. If you have permitted the Dalux FM app to see your location, the map will automatically zoom in on your location. You can also press the -icon to zoom in on your location.
You can change the view by clicking on the -icon. Here you can choose between standard or satellite maps. You can also change between seeing buildings or lots. You can change to a list view by pressing the
Buildings or lots are highlighted on the map.
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At the top of the map view, you can change the filter by pressing the -icon. This can be used to control what is shown on the map. You can filter between work orders, tickets, assets, or images. These filters can be customized in the same way inbox filters can, as shown above.
When you click on a building on the map, you will have the option to 'Show building' or 'Create'. See below for an explanation.
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Show building
This will open the building and show all information linked to the buildings, such as drawings and documents.
You can see the information about the building by pressing the -icon.
You can see the contact person's information and suppliers by pressing the -icon.
There is also an overview of the work orders and tickets, and if any of them are overdue. In the same area, there is quick access to the assets for the building.
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If you select a building and press 'Create' (depending on user permissions and modules activated) you have the option to create new work orders, tickets, or assets.
You can learn more about these in the following articles:
- Creating work orders on the mobile app
- Send tickets using the HelpDesk mobile app
- Assets on the Dalux FM mobile app
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The More tab
In the More tab, you can:
- Help - Access the Dalux FM Help Center
- About - See the current version of the app
- Fetch PM for offline use - Downloads work orders and tickets for offline use
- Fetch rooms for offline use - Download the room data from one or more buildings for offline use
- Reload data - Refreshes the Dalux FM instance and redownloads all data in the background
- Switch Instance - If your profile is attached to multiple Dalux FM instances you can change between them here. If you are also in Dalux Build projects, you can switch to them here.
- Log out - Log out of Dalux FM
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At the bottom, you can see which Dalux FM instance you are currently logged in to.
Read more
If you are also using Dalux FM on the Desktop App, you can learn more about it here: Navigate in Dalux FM on desktop.