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Import DWG using file formats in Dalux FM

In this article, we will go through some of the file formats used during the import of data to Dalux FM, when your DWG drawing contains area/room data.

The File formats covered in this article, includes:

  • BIPS Cad lagstandardBIPS (BIPS-Layer-standard)
  • AK81 CAD lagstandardBIPS (BIPS-Layer-standard)
  • AK81 A99 CAD lagstandard (CAD-Layer-standard)
  • NS cad (Norsk standart) (Norwegian standard)

(Click the image to enhance)

We assume you have basic Autodesk AutoCAD and/or AutoCAD Architecture knowledge.

When using these file formats, your layers must match the layer names in this article. Otherwise, the import will fail.

If you want to use your layer names, you can use the custom file format. Read this article to learn how to use the custom file format.

Table of contents

  1. BIPS, A81, Planon, and NS cad
  2. AutoCAD Architecture

When you import data from your DWG drawings, room/floor data in Dalux FM will be created.

If you update the information using the DWG drawing, the room/floor data in Dalux FM will be changed. 

So please make sure to verify the content before you update it.


If you delete/change any data in Dalux FM during an import, it cannot be recovered.

BIPS, A81, Planon, and NS cad

These file formats are only available for instances created in Danish and Norwegian.

(Click the image to enhance)

Create the drawings, following the same rules from the Custom File format see link above.

The only exception is that layers and block attributes must be named correctly depending on the chosen file format:

  Net area Gross area Room number Room type Alternative layer Negative net area Negative gross area
BIPS Cad lagstandard A49--A-N A49--A-B A49--I- A49--T- A49--E- -- --
BIPS AK81 CAD lagstandard AK81--G-N AK81--G-B A99--I- A99--T- A99--E- -- --
BIPS AK81 A99 CAD lagstandard A81--G-N A81--G-B A99--I- A99--T- A99--E- -- --
NS cad (Norsk standart) A862-NTA A862-BTA A862-Romnummer A862-Romtype -- -- --

AutoCAD Architecture

The Layer formats are available for all instances, regardless of language.

(Click the image to enhance)

If you are using AutoCAD Architecture, you can create area information using the Space tool.
Each Space can have Properties that are importable into Dalux FM.
The Net and Gross areas need to be on specific layers:

  Net area Gross area
AutoCAD Architecture A49 A49- -A-N A49- -A-B
AutoCAD Architecture A81 A81--G-N A81--G-B

The attributes do not need to be on a specific layer and should be created as property sets.

(Click the image to enhance)

During the 'Room parameters' step of the import, each room property can be matched with a corresponding Dalux attribute.

(Click the image to enhance)

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