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Company profile: Users and business partners

This article is about users, companies, and business partners in the company profile in Dalux.

The company profile is where the company administrators can manage and edit the company's overall profile. The company profile can serve as a hub for all your project data allowing you to set up filters and dashboards with necessary information.

To enable the company profile for your company and projects, contact your Dalux consultant to get it set up.

Table of contents

  1. How to access the company profile
  2. Company users
  3. Contacts
  4. Business partners
  5. Announcements

How to access the company profile

To access the company profile, you must be a company administrator or company observer in your company profile. Only company administrators can edit and set up features in the company profile.

To open the company profile, click Company profile in your project overview. Alternatively, the button will also appear on the sidebar.

(Click the image to enhance)

It is possible to be a part of multiple company profiles. A pop-up window will prompt you to select which company profile to open if you have multiple company profiles.

Company users

Company users can be found in the User management tab.

In the company users tab, you get an overview of all of the users registered in your company profile.

(Click the image to enhance)

Company users can be assigned to three different roles:

  Company administrator Company observer Company project creator

Access to company profile (Setup and settings)

Invite and manage company users

Add or invite users as project administrators on company projects 

View access to all Dalux projects for the company

Access to company profile (view and export data)
Create new projects for the company

Company administrators can add new users by clicking Add and typing in an email address. If the user already has a Dalux profile, their name will appear. The permissions can be set before inviting the user. If a non-Dalux user is invited, they will receive an email with information on how to create a Dalux profile.

(Click the image to enhance)


Contacts can be found in the User management tab.

The contacts tab gives you an overview of all the contacts involved in the company's various projects. Name and contact information will be shown for each person. You can also see which project they are active on.

The list view can be saved as a filter by clicking the -icon and then Save.

(Click the image to enhance)

In this view, it is possible to control which users have access to which projects. This can be done by selecting a user from the list and clicking Edit project access. Project access can be revoked by removing projects from the list. If you want to add users to projects, they need to be invited to the individual projects.

(Click the image to enhance)

If a contact is not active on any project, their status will show as deactivated. Only contacts with the deactivated status can be deleted by using Delete contact.

Business partners

Business partners can be found in the User management tab.

The business partners contain information about the different companies on the different projects. It also contains the company catalog.

Companies on projects

The 'Companies on projects' tab shows a full list of all companies on every project. From here, it is possible to set an official name for multiple companies. This is done by selecting one or more companies and clicking Edit. You can then select a company from the company catalog.

When companies are updated, the project administrator will receive a notification on the affected project, where the update can be accepted or rejected.

(Click the image to enhance)

Company catalogue

The company catalog is a list of official companies that can be used for users or manufacturers of products. 

Companies can be manually added by clicking Add. A name and VAT/tax number are required, but more information such as an address, and phone number is optional.

(Click the image to enhance)

It is also possible to add or edit several companies using a spreadsheet import by clicking the -icon.

(Click the image to enhance)

  • Export data - Exports the current list view. Use this option if you also need to edit existing companies.
  • Get template - Create an empty spreadsheet where data can be inputted.

In the spreadsheet, you can enter the data and import it to Dalux using either:

  • Import data - Intended when using the 'Export data' method above.
  • Create data - Intended when using the 'Get template' method above.

When importing the spreadsheet to Dalux, you will see an import window. This will inform you about what data is added or changed. You will also be informed if there are errors preventing data from being created.

(Click the image to enhance)

When applicable, VIES information can be auto filled by clicking 'Autofill VIES information'.

When using the 'Import data' option to update or edit data, the import window will show what data is being changed.

(Click the image to enhance)

Using this method, many companies can be added or edited at the same time to speed up the company catalog creation.


From the announcement tab, you can see all announcements made in the projects and you can create announcements that can be sent to multiple projects.

To do so, click Add. Then select one of more projects to send an announcement to. Fill in the information and set a date for how long the announcement is visible.

(Click the image to enhance)

Users on the project will receive a phone notification if they use Dalux Mobile.

The announcement will appear for all users at the top of the home screen on Dalux Mobile and the dashboard on Dalux Desktop.

(Click the image to enhance)

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