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Company profile: Box library

This article covers the Box library settings in the company profile in Dalux.

Table of contents

  1. Box Library

Box library

The Box library can be found in:

Standardization Libraries 'Box library'

In the Box library, you can create folder structures and a file library of files that are automatically added to projects.

Folder structures

In folder structures, you can create one or several folder structures that can be used in projects or project standards. The easiest way to create folder structures for the company profile is to create them from existing projects. 

This is done with:

Create from project Select the project from which you wish to copy the folder structure from 'Confirm'  Name the folder structure 'Create'.

(Click the image to enhance)

This copies the folder structure. If needed the folder structure can be edited by clicking Edit.

(Click the image to enhance)

 Read more

If you want to learn how to copy a folder structure in Windows to Dalux Box using Dalux Sync, you can read this article: Synchronize files between Dalux Box and your PC with Dalux Sync.

Folder structures can also be created one folder at a time, by clicking Add.

'Files' will always be the top folder in the folder structure. Sub-folders are created for the selected folder in the list. In the example below, the folder '0. Drawing Lists' is selected, so clicking Add will add a sub-folder to '0. Drawing Lists'.

Each change is saved automatically. When done you can close the window.

(Click the image to enhance)

File library

In the 'File Library' you can create a collection of files that can be imported to projects or project standards. This could for instance be code of conduct documentation, safety instructions, or guides used across different projects.

The File library can be organized in folders and file versions are updated automatically if files are updated.

(Click the image to enhance)

Files added to a project standard are automatically added when projects are created with the project standard.

Files can also be manually added to projects. This is done in a Box folder, by clicking the -icon, and then Import from and selecting the company from the list.

This opens the company file library and files can be imported to the project.

(Click the image to enhance)

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