This article covers the general setup you can do in the company Profile. You can customize invitation emails and create project/business partner metadata.
Table of contents
To access the company profile settings, click Settings while in the company profile.
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Company overview
In the company overview, you can see and manage company-related information.
Invoice information: Here you can see your invoice information. This information can only be changed by your Dalux consultant. You can set the default language for new projects.
Invitation mail: You can customize the email that is sent to users invited to your company's projects. It is possible to send a preview of the invitation mail to yourself. This could include links to websites or contact information. It is only possible to customize the text in the invitation mail.
Company data: You can set the time zone and default measurement unit (metric/imperial). You can also add a company logo that will be added to reports. It is also from here that you access your API information. You can read more about the Dalux API here.
Project metadata: From here you can add custom metadata fields that are shown when creating new projects and in the project settings. These could be fields like the client, project type, price, etc. You can only add either a text field or a list field with predefined values.
Business partner metadata: Similar to the project metadata, you can add text or list fields that can be used in the company catalog. You can read more about how to use this metadata in this article: Company Profile: Users and business partners
In Licenses, you can see an overview of Dalux project licenses.
Licenses: Here you can see a list of all active licenses. You will see which project and email/user the license is tied to. You will also be able to find the license code and see expiration dates.
Per project: In this window, you can see licenses grouped by project, and how many licenses are active on each project.
Per user: In this window, you can see licenses grouped by email, and how many licenses project licenses an active user has.
Mail alerts
You can create custom email alerts based on saved tasks or checklist filters. Each alert must have a name, a filter, and one or more recipients. An email is sent to the recipient(s) when a change is detected in the filter - for example, more tasks are added to a project. If several changes are made in a short period, the email alert will contain a summary of the changes.
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An example of a mail alert can be seen here:
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BIM library
The BIM library can be found in Standardization
'BIM library'
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In the BIM Library, you can define one or more categories that will be colored with a chosen color when viewing BIM Models on Dalux projects. BIM Colors can be imported from company projects.
To customize BIM colors, click 'BIM colors'.
It is easiest to import existing BIM color filters from projects. This is done by clicking Import from project
Select a project
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As there are no BIM models in the company profile, Dalux cannot automatically find properties or criteria from models. This means that when creating or editing BIM colors manually in the company profile, you will need to type in property and value so that they match properties and values in BIM models.
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