This article covers the project standard feature in the company profile.
Project standards act as a template when creating new projects and help create uniformity across different projects in the company. You can create multiple project standards to fit different types of projects.
Project standards can use the templates from the Field and Box libraries created in the company library. You can read more about the Field and Box library in these articles:
Company profile: Field library
Table of contents
- How to set up a project standard
- Setting up Field/Box in a project standard
- General
- Field
- Box
- How to use project standards
User rights
Setup for project standards can only be done by a company administrator. You can read more about company administrators in this article: Company profile: Users and business partners
How to set up a project standard
To access project standards:
Open your company profile
Project standards.
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All active and deactivated project standards can be seen here. Only project standards that have been activated will appear as an option when creating new projects.
To edit, delete, or activate/deactivate project standards, select them from the side menu.
To create a new project standard, click Add project standard at the top of the window.
Project standards must be named, and a description can be entered.
Setting up Field/Box in a project standard
When selecting the top folder or a project standard, you can toggle which features from Field and Box will be activated automatically. The different features can still be activated or deactivated on projects.
Features can be activated or deactivated by using the toggle buttons.
More info
Note that these only activate the feature and that some parts might need to be activated separately on the individual projects (such as Capture types).
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User groups
You can create custom user groups in the project standard, that will be automatically added to projects. It is recommended that you create user groups before creating work packages if you want to attach user groups to workflows.
Attaching user groups to workflows in the project standard means you only have to add users to specific groups on projects and they will automatically be in the correct roles in the workflow.
To start creating user groups in the project standard click User groups. Groups can then be added with the
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When a user group has been created, it can be opened by clicking on it. This will allow you to change the permissions for the groups.
You can change permissions for Locations (view/edit) and permissions for Box folders (read/write/edit). To see permissions for Box folders, you must also be using a folder structure in the project standard.
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Tasks and approvals
In the task/approvals folder, you can choose which task templates in the company profile should be added to new projects.
Task types are added by clicking Add and selecting it from the list. Then click 'Save' to add it to the project standard.
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If you have work package templates in the project standard, you can also select which workflow(s) the task type should be associated with.
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When task/approval types are added to a project standard, you can select whether they should be Activated or Deactivated by default. This is done by selecting a task and clickingDeactivate or
For instance, if you want a task not to be visible until a certain stage in the construction, it can be set to 'Deactivated'. It can then be activated on the project when needed.
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Checklists and hold point checklists
Checklists and hold point checklist templates can be added to the project standard. You must add the templates to the project standard if you want to use them in workflows or checklist associations.
To add a checklist or hold point checklist to the project standard go to the respective menu and click Add. Select one or more checklists and click 'Save'.
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Checklists can be set to 'Deactivated' by clicking Deactivate. For instance, if you want a checklist not to be visible until a certain stage in the construction, it can be set to 'Deactivated'. It can then be activated on the project when needed.
You can read more in this article: Checklist work package associations.
The safety menu will allow you to toggle the safety feature on or off. The safety settings will be copied from the company standard safety library.
Work packages and work package templates
It is possible to define work package templates in the project standard and create the work package structure so that they are automatically added to projects.
Work packages can also be created but not added by default. These can then be added to projects as needed.
To create a work package structure in the project standard, you must first create one or more work package templates.
The method for creating work packages and workflows is the same as on Dalux projects, you can read more about creating and managing work packages and workflows here: Work packages and workflows.
Here are some tips and tricks for work package templates in the project standard:
- You can only add a safety workflow if the safety feature is toggled on for the project standard
- You can only add user groups from the current project standard to the roles in the workflows
- You can only add task/approval templates to the workflows if they have been added to the project standard
- You can only add hold point checklists to the workflows if they have been added to the project standard
To create a work package template, click the-icon when hovering over 'Work package templates'. Then click
New work package template.
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Tips and tricks
To speed up the process of creating workflows, you can drag and drop user groups from one workflow to another. You can also use the checkboxes to select multiple user groups to move at the same time.
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With one or more work package templates created, you can start creating a work package structure for the project standard.
Work packages can be added by going to the work package menu and clicking Add work package.
You then give the work package a name, choose which template to use, and whether to assign a trade to the work package. Finally, you can choose whether the work package should be added to projects automatically, or if they can be manually added.
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Using this method, you can create many different work packages, but only add the relevant ones to the different projects.
In this case, we have added a 'Painting' work package. We can now open the different workflows and add the 'Painter' user groups to the subcontractor roles.'
This is done by clicking Add users on the role, finding the correct user group(s), and clicking 'Save'. After adding a user group, you can use drag and drop to speed up the process.
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Checklist associations
In the Checklist association menu, you can add checklist templates to the work package templates.
When doing so, a checklist is added to a workflow and will be automatically added to any work package created using the template.
This is useful when checklists need to be added to many or all work packages on projects.
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Folder structure
In the Folder structure menu, you can define the folder structure for the project standard. This folder structure will be automatically added when creating new projects using the project standard.
You can manually create folders and subfolders or import a folder structure from the company profile Box library or a project.
To import a folder structure, click Import. You can then select which folder structure to import. A preview of the folder structure will be shown.
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After importing a folder structure, you can add, edit, or delete folders. If you import a folder structure when folders already exist, the existing folders will be overwritten.
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In the Files menu, you can select files from the 'Files library' in the company profile that should be added to a folder in the folder structure.
This can be useful if you have general files that you want to have added to all projects, such as a code of conduct or contact information.
To add files, click Add, and select which folder the files should be placed in. This will then open the file library and one or more files can be added.
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When Files are added to a project standard, they will be displayed in the list view, including which 'Destination folder' they are added to.
In the Metadata menu, you can add custom metadata to the project standard. Metadata can be added as text, list, or date fields.
To add metadata, go to the Metadata menu and click Add.
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You can select whether the metadata should apply drawings and/or documents and/or models.
It is also possible to toggle whether the metadata is visible in list views by default.
The process is the same as on Dalux projects. You can read more about setting up metadata here: Set up metadata.
Tips and tricks
To speed up the creation of lists, you can copy and paste from spreadsheets into Dalux. To do this, use CTRL+C to copy the spreadsheet and CTRL+V to paste it into Dalux.
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Metadata can be used in file naming templates, which you can read about below.
File naming templates
In the File naming template submenu, you can use the project standard metadata to create file naming templates in the project standard.
File naming templates can be created or imported from projects or other project standards.
To create new file naming templates, click Add. You can read more about how to create and set up file naming templates in this article: File naming templates.
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If you want to import file naming templates from projects or other project standards you can click Import. Then select one or more file naming templates to import, and then click 'Import'.
Note: You can only import file naming templates if the corresponding metadata is in the project standard.
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Communication channels
In the Communication channels submenu, you can create communication channels for the project standard.
This can be useful when you want your projects to communicate in a certain way by creating the channels that the users need to communicate through.
When creating communication channels, you first need to have created at least one comment type. To create a channel: Click Add
Type in a name for the channel
Select a comment type
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Comment types
In the Comment types submenu, you can create comment types for the project standard.
The comment types can be useful when you want your projects to communicate in a certain way by creating the types of comments that the users can choose from.
To create a comment type: Click Add
Type in a name for the channel
Customize the comment fields using the editor
How to use project standards
When a company administrator or company creator creates a new Dalux project, they can select a template. Only project standards marked as 'Active' will appear in the list.
Selecting the project standard will create a new project using all the elements from the project standards, such as user groups, work packages, and folder structure.
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On a project, a project standard can be changed or removed from:
Project setup
'Project standard'.
However, once the project has been created with a project standard you can only use this feature to import tasks/approvals and checklists/hold point templates.