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File naming templates

This article covers file naming templates and how they can be used in Dalux Box.

File naming templates can be used to restrict file uploads based on naming templates for all or certain folders in the project. File naming templates use custom-created metadata fields and files uploaded matching a file naming template will automatically fill out the corresponding metadata.

It is possible to have multiple file naming templates on the same project.

Table of contents

  1. Before setting up file naming templates
  2. How to create a file naming template
  3. Uploading files using file naming templates

Before setting up file naming templates

 User rights

Setup for file naming templates needs to be done by a Project administrator or Box Project Planning manager.

To use file naming templates, you must first define custom metadata fields that are used in the template. The metadata depends on things such as standardized file naming in your region or field. It is therefore recommended to evaluate which metadata fields you need for your file naming templates.

Note: File naming templates should match the requirements of the project. It might be required to create several different file naming templates for different document types. Such as making three separate file naming templates for Drawings, Documents, and Models for each of their respective folders.

Read more

If you need to learn more about creating metadata in Dalux, you can read this article on how to Set up metadata.

In this article, we are using the following metadata fields as examples:

  • Project ID (All files)
  • Knowledge area (All files)
  • File type (Drawings and models)
  • Content type (All files)
  • Sheet type (Drawings)
  • Document name (All files)

These metadata fields have been created as Lists with predefined values according to the file name template we want to use. The only exception is "Document name" which is a text field, that allows for free text metadata.

(Click the image to enhance)

How to create a file naming template

To start creating file naming templates go to Settings 'File naming templates'.

(Click the image to enhance)

In the file naming templates window, you can add/edit/delete file naming templates on the project. It is also from here that you set which folders in the folder structure the file naming templates should apply to.

To create a new file naming template, click Add and name the file naming template. This will open the file naming template editor. This window is divided into two sections:

  • The section on the left contains the metadata types (Text/List) and a delimiter option.
  • The section on the right contains the file naming template.

The template is created by dragging fields from the left to the right.

(Click the image to enhance)

You can use custom text/list metadata fields or the Dalux fields 'Content description' and 'Number' to create the template. In this example, we will use the custom metadata fields mentioned above.

First, drag a metadata field from the left to the right and select which metadata field to use from the popup. You then have to add a delimiter (in this case we use an underscore) and repeat the process with the other metadata fields. Note that every other field must be a delimiter.

(Click the image to enhance)

When the file naming template has been created it is possible to preview the file naming template by clicking on 'Test file naming' in the top menu. This will open a preview of the file naming template, so you can make sure it works as intended.

(Click the image to enhance)

Before saving the file naming template, you can also decide if there should be blacklisted characters or whether the file naming template is required. The template can also be renamed.

Blacklisted characters

If you have text fields in your file naming template, you can set if certain characters are not allowed in the corresponding part of the file name. This is done in the 'Edit blacklisted characters'.

Note: Do NOT separate characters with e.g. a space or a comma, as this will add the space/comma itself as a blacklisted character.

(Click the image to enhance)

In this example, we are using the underscore as a delimiter, so we add "_" as a blacklisted character.

This prevents uploads of files to Dalux if the 'Document Name' part of the file name has an underscore in it (if the file naming template is set as required). If the template is not set as required a warning will show during the upload process.

In this example, the following file name would be accepted:

DLT001_K01_C07_F01_H1_Floorplan Level 1

While the following file name would not be accepted:


(Due to the underscores in 'Document name').

The list of blacklisted characters will also appear in the bottom left of the window.

Required file naming templates

File naming templates can be set as required by toggling this at the bottom of the file naming template window.

(Click the image to enhance)

Doing so will require files to be named according to the file naming template in the given folder before they can be uploaded. Files cannot be renamed in Dalux during upload.

If the file naming template is not set as required, you will receive a warning that the files do not comply with the template. If a file name does not comply with the file naming templates, Dalux is not able to auto-fill the metadata.

Selecting folders for the file naming templates

To use the created file naming templates, they must be linked to folders in the Box folder structure. This is done in the file naming templates window in Settings Box.

Select a file naming template from the list and click on Select folders. This will open a new window showing the folder structure of the project. You can then select one or more folders or subfolders where the file naming template should apply. When done click on 'Save'.

 Technical information

If multiple valid file naming templates are applied to the same folder, it is not possible to generate metadata automatically. 

If you want to use auto generation of metadata, you should only use one template per folder.

The same template can be used across different folders.

(Click the image to enhance)

The selected folders will show in the list view, and the file naming template will be active in the selected folders.

(Click the image to enhance)

Uploading files using file naming templates

When uploading files that comply with the file naming template to folders in Dalux Box the metadata fields will be automatically filled out. It is possible to change these if necessary.

Any files that do not comply with the file naming template will either be skipped (if the file naming template is set as required) or you will receive a warning that the file name does not comply.

When uploading a file with an incomplete filename according to a required file naming template, the metadata is displayed, helping you identify which part of the filename does not match the file naming template.

(Click the image to enhance)

When files are uploaded you can use the columns and filters for the metadata imported from the file name.

(Click the image to enhance)

 Read more

Whether you want all metadata shown in the list view is controlled in the metadata settings. You can read more about metadata in this article: Set up metadata.

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