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FM Release Notes 2024.1

Learn about new features and enhancements in the February 2024 release of Dalux FM (version 2024.1). The full changelog is found below.

Work Order Improvements Highlight.png FM App Highlight.png Location Improvements highlight v2.png
Work Order Improvements App Improvements Locations Improvements

For this release, there are several improvements to the work order UI. The work order view now has 1 line per placement. Each placement will have a direct link/button to the associated checklist, which also shows the status of the checklist, and you can use the new 'Show placement' button to be taken directly to the work order placement. 

Dalux FM Mobile has seen improvements to the use of filters, by letting you lock filters for work orders, tickets, and assets. The UI has also been updated with a new menu for work orders, making it more intuitive to use, and a better view of work order placements. 

With this release, the Locations module is getting several improvements to its features and the UI/UX. Improvements like having multiple cuts on the model at the same time, drawings now utilizing vector graphics, displaying 3D objects on 2D drawings, better measuring, and more.


ReleaseNotes_General.png General Changes

ReleaseNotes_FM_OM.png Operation & Maintenance

ReleaseNotes_FM_BIM.png BIM & Documentation


ReleaseNotes_location.png Locations


ReleaseNotes_mobile.pngDalux FM Mobile


ReleaseNotes_General.png General Changes

User Rights - Asset & Documentation

Assets and Document rights have been updated within the last two releases to include "See" and "Edit" rights. These features have also updated how Assets and Documents are being shown and accessed.

Edit: The user can both see and edit the object everywhere in the system.

See: The object will be displayed everywhere in the system but can’t be opened.

Example: If a document is linked to an Asset, and the user doesn’t have user rights to see that document, it will be displayed, but the user can’t open it. The same applies to Assets being linked to Work Orders or any other case where two objects are linked.

The user can click on the objects but will have a message like this if they don’t have see/edit rights:

billede (1).png

Suppliers are also required to have Asset rights to scan and open Assets from a QR code.


Asset User Rights

Define, see, and edit user rights for assets based on classification:

Asset user rights.png

(Click the image to enhance)


Warranty Start Date

“Warranty start date” used to automatically be filled with “Installation date” if empty. Now “Warranty start date” can only be filled manually by a user.


Added Units for Handover Configuration

When mapping asset properties, units are added in the dropdown:

Added uits for Handover config.png

(Click the image to enhance)


Better Information Dialog when Deleting Assets or Documents

The new dialog clearly shows what links will be affected and clearly states that linked objects will not be deleted:

Better info dialogue when deleting Assets or Documents.png

(Click the image to enhance)


UI Updates to Text and Icons

The UI for text and icons has been updated for a more modern look:

UI update1.png

UI update2.png


ReleaseNotes_FM_OM.png Operation & Maintenance

New UI for Work Orders

You will now have a better view of the placements of the work order. The UI will display 1 line per placement with data on the building, floor, and room for each placement. This will give a clearer view of the different placements of the work order:

New UI for WOs.png


Direct Access to Checklists

When using “Create per placement” each placement will have a direct link/button to the checklist, which will also show the status of the checklist on the icon, indicating whether it's completed or not:

Direct access to checklsits.png


New Button: Show Placement

When clicking DaluxIcon_floor-plan.pngShow placement, you will be taken to the placement of the work order. When taken to the placement, you can also view the status of the checklist. A green status indicates completion, while a yellow status indicates that it is not yet completed:

New button show placement.png

(Click the image to enhance)


Send Message to Customer (Supplier Portal)

When an external supplier is set up with a coordinator, it will be possible for the employee who is assigned to the work order to write a message to the customer (The internal technicians).


Auto Update Stays Active for Entire Session

When enabling DaluxIcon_refresh.pngAuto update in list views, it will be active for the entire session until the user logs out or closes Dalux. The option will only be active for the specific views that it has been applied to.

Auto update stays active.png

(Click the image to enhance)


ReleaseNotes_FM_BIM.png BIM & Documentation

Export/Import Image Properties

An export/import function has been added for image properties, allowing you to update and edit image properties using Excel:

Export and import imagep properties.png

(Click the image to enhance)


ReleaseNotes_location.png Locations

New Search Bar in Locations (Map)

Searching for buildings, lots, and estates have been moved. From the search bar, you can open the object directly or jump to the placement on the map.

New search bar in locations.png

(Click the image to enhance)

Saved views are now placed in the dropdown shown in the image:

New search bar in locations2.png

(Click the image to enhance)


Create Assets from GIS

Create assets from points and polygons imported from GIS data (BIM & Documentation Pro Only). You can create one asset per GIS object:

Create Assets from GIS.png

(Click the image to enhance)


Locations: Multiple cuts

You can now make multiple cuts at the same time when looking at the model in Locations. The different cuts will each have a different color to distinguish them. To add another cut, simply click on another element, click the DaluxIcon_chevron-down.png-icon beneath 'Cut', and click 'Add cut':

DA-39974 Locations Multiple Cuts.png


Display 3D Objects on 2D Drawings (PC Only)

With this feature, you will be able to display 3D objects on 2D drawings by color-coding them when filtering by objects on drawings, using DaluxIcon_cube.pngView Objects, giving you more information when viewing a 2D drawing:

DA-49694 Colorcoded objects on drawings.png

(Click the image to enhance)


Vector Graphics: Higher Resolution Auto Drawings and Line Snapping

New auto drawings from BIM models are now created with vector graphics. This raises the overall quality of the drawings, allowing for much better zooming and line snapping for measurements and mapping.

(Click the image to enhance)


Snapping for Drawings When Mapping to Levels

When mapping a drawing to a level, the A and B points will now snap to both the uploaded drawing and to the "current" drawing that is generated by Dalux from the model. This is done using the previously mentioned vector graphics change. Before being able to do this, you need to reprocess the building and when mapping you need to place both points A and B, before the snapping is enabled:

DA-44540 Snapping for drawings when mapping to levels.png

(Click the image to enhance)


Measure Improvements

Improvements have been made to the 'Point to point' and 'Laser' measurement tools. More information is now displayed, and you can manipulate the laser measurement by clicking the arrows on the measure lines:

DA-39384 Measure improvements.png


Removed 'Element' Hide and Isolate in Object Selection Dropdown

Previously, in Locations, it was possible to choose an 'Element' sub-option for the 'Hide' and 'Isolate' options, when selecting an object on the model. However, this sub-option has been removed because it was unnecessary and duplicated the main button's functionality.


DaluxIcon_smartphone.png Dalux FM App

Lock Filter for Work Orders, Tickets, and Assets

It is now possible to lock a filter when using Dalux FM Mobile. The “lock” will be active until it is unlocked again. It works for work orders, tickets, and assets. To turn on the lock, go to DaluxIcon_menu.pngMore and enable 'Remember Filters' under 'Device settings':

Mobile DA-51388 Lock filter.png

It will also be more visible whenever a filter is applied to a view.


New Menu for App

The work orders submenus have been split into two. The usual "reply" button at the bottom, which now only contains status changes, and DaluxIcon_add.pngAdd note. The other options have been moved to a menu in the top right opened by the DaluxIcon_more.png-icon:

Mobile DA-54825 New menu for app.png


Print Checklists (Save as PDF)

Print checklists by saving them as PDFs. If there are multiple checklists, a list will open where you can choose a checklist from the list:

Mobile DA-46035 print checklists.png


Updated 'Asset Module' Page

The existing DaluxIcon_cube-grid.pngAsset module page has been updated to use list views and filters:

Mobile DA-46036 updated asset module page.png


New UI for Work Orders (Mobile)

You will now have a better view of placements of the work order, the UI will display 1 line per building, room or asset. This will give a clearer view of the placements on buildings for work orders:

Mobile DA-54115 Building on work order.png


Direct Access to Checklists (Mobile)

When using “Create per placement” each placement will have a direct link/button to the checklist, which will also show the status of the checklist on the icon, indicating whether it's completed or not:

Mobile DA-54115 Checklist on work order.png


Create Assets and Work Orders From 360 Images

It's now possible to also create Assets and Work orders from 360 images. The Asset/WO will inherit the placement of the 360 image and a cropped version of the 360 image, will be attached:



Filter by Responsible

Filter by who is responsible for work orders in the team inbox.


Currency Symbol on Mobile

Currency symbols will now be shown on work orders on mobile as well.


Company Users Can Send Message to Customers

Employees/Company users in a company with dispatchers can now send messages to customers directly.


Changes to Assigning Company Responsible to Work Orders

The action of assigning a company responsible for work orders will be more in line with how it works on Dalux Desktop. All company users will always be able to assign a new responsibility on a work order, granted that the user can see the work order. You can now also select "All company users" as the responsible.


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