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Build Release Notes 2023.7

Learn about new Mobile and Desktop features and enhancements in the December 2023 release of Dalux.


DaluxIcon_settings.png General Changes

DaluxIcon_infrastructure-large.png Infrastructure

DaluxIcon_location-sitewalk.png SiteWalk

DaluxIcon_Field_crane-large.png Field


DaluxIcon_settings.png General Changes

Easily Switch Been Drawing and Map

It is now possible to quickly jump between the Map view and Drawings with the click of a button.

When in map view you can press the daluxicon_drawing.png button to jump to the last viewed drawing, and when in viewing drawings you can press the DaluxIcon_map.png button to jump back to the map view.

This feature is available for Infrastructure and Field projects.

(Click the image to enhance)


DaluxIcon_infrastructure-large.png Infrastructure

Mobile Support for WMTS Map Layers

The support for Web Map Tile Service (WMTS) layers has been expanded.

Support now includes any kind of provider and type of coordinates. These layers can be visualized in the Dalux Mobile App and set as the background map.

(Click the image to enhance)

Mobile Support for GIS Map Layers

GIS layers are now available in the Dalux Mobile App.

The GIS layers can be found on the Map view in the custom map layer menu. The GIS information will be displayed similarly to on Dalux Desktop, and the metadata for the objects can be accessed by pressing on them.

(Click the image to enhance)


DaluxIcon_location-sitewalk.png SiteWalk

Record Multiple SiteWalks in a Row

Going for SiteWalks will be much faster with this release, by making multiple consecutive SiteWalks.

After finishing a SiteWalk, you can now jump right into another SiteWalk recording with the new 'Save and continue SiteWalk’.  Your selected end location from the previous SiteWalk is automatically set as the Start location for the next one.

(Click the image to enhance)

Create Tasks in 360 Photos from SiteWalks

Use 360 Photos from SiteWalks as photo documentation in Tasks.

When viewing 360 Photos from SiteWalks (either in the SiteWalk or as individual 360 photos) you can click on the image and create a new Task on your selection. A cropped version of the 360 photos will automatically be attached to the task, and you can use the annotation tools as usual.

(Click the image to enhance)


DaluxIcon_Field_crane-large.png Field

Save Daily Logs as Drafts

When creating a new Daily Log entry, it can now be saved as a draft for later completion.

A Daily Log entry in the draft state will be visible for both the creator and the Manager group but cannot be approved before it is submitted for approval. Until an entry has been approved the creator can move a submitted entry back into draft mode.

This is available for both Mobile and Desktop.

(Click the image to enhance)

A submitted entry can be moved back to the draft state until it has been approved by a Manager.

Require Location and/or Photo or Attachment on Test- and Inspection Plan Registrations

If an inspection point is set to "Comment and photo" it will now be possible to require a location and/or a photo or attachment. 

Simply hover over the "Comment and photo" selection and click on the three dots as shown below. 

(Click the image to enhance)

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