In this article, we will cover how to export data from a tender.
Table of contents
How to export data from a tender
You can export data from all the different sections in your tender. To do so, follow the steps outlined for each section below:
User rights
You need to have the role of 'Tender administrator' or 'Tender responsible' to be able to export all of the tender data.
The list of bidders can be exported by going to the tender folder, then Bidders
Bidders. From the newly opened window, click
(Click the image to enhance)
This will export the list of bidders in a .xlsx format, with the columns of data chosen in the bidder list.
Tender material
To download the tender material, go to:
Tender material
All files. Then click
Download all files as zip.
When downloading tender material, the folder structure is downloaded as well. A file list is also automatically generated.
(Click the image to enhance)
Click 'Download' in the new window.
To export questions and answers, go to the Questions/Answers section and click
(Click the image to enhance)
This will export the list as a .xlsx file, with the columns of the file reflecting the columns activated in the list view.
To export messages, go to the Messages section and click
(Click the image to enhance)
This will export the list as a .xlsx file, with the columns of the file reflecting the columns activated in the list view.
To download the bids, go to Bids and then click on
to the right of the folder and click
Download all bids:
(Click the image to enhance)
You can also download each bid separately, by clicking the three dots to the right of each bid folder and clicking Download bid files. This will download the bid in a .zip folder.
How to create a tender
Read more
To learn more about how to create a tender, you can read this article: Create a tender.