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Zones in InfraField: How to set up

This article covers how to create zones on the map, areas and structures in an InfraField project.

Use zones to divide the project into smaller segments with specific properties or for filtering purposes. It is recommended to create zones from the beginning, but adding zones later will automatically update already placed registrations. This makes it a versatile tool for different stages of the project.

Zones created on the map view will automatically be displayed on top of all map layers.

You must first create an area or structure to add zones to it. If you have uploaded one or more alignment files, you can use them to automatically create zones along the centerlines.


Table of contents

  1. Zones
  2. Zone layer
  3. Station lines

 User rights

To create zones, you must be a project administrator, project planning manager, or part of a custom user group with edit permissions for Locations.


To create zones in the project, navigate to Settings Locations 'Zones'.

(Click the image to enhance)

When clicking Add There are two ways to create zone layers:

Zone layer: This feature allows you to draw arbitrary shapes on the map, areas, and structures that are independent of each other.

Station Lines: This feature allows you to create zones that follow an alignment with a fixed width.

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Zone layer

To create a new zone layer and the zones on the layer, click 'Zone layer'.

Type in a name for the zone layer, and click 'Add', the zone layer is displayed in the list view.

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Double-click on the zone name or select it and click Edit.

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You have to select where to add the zones to, between 'Map' or 'Area' or 'Structure' from Locations.

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  • Zones added to areas can also be displayed on the map.
  • Zones created on a structure can only be displayed within that structure and NOT on the map, areas, or another structure.
  • Zones added to the map and areas can have the same name and are considered the same zone.
  • Zones added to a structure can have the same name within the structure and will be considered the same zone across levels, it cannot share a name with a zone from the map/area or on another structure.

Creating a zone on the map, area or structure is the same after you have chosen the location.

Click Add and then draw the zone.

When drawing the zone, you have two options:

Click and hold: When you click and hold, you can drag the mouse to create a rectangle.

(Click the image to enhance)

Click: Click to create the edge of the zone, then click again to add a corner. Click on the original point to close the zone.

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Zones are always created with a filled area and cannot contain holes.

When you have drawn a zone, type in a zone name and properties and click 'OK'.

The zone is then displayed in the list.

Remember to click 'Save' to save your work, when you are done editing.

(Click the image to enhance)

If you create overlapping zones within the same zone layer, only the top zone is added to the registration.

Edit zone

Once a zone has been created, you can edit it in the following ways, after you select it from the list view.

Move: To move the entire zone, hover over the area until the cursor changes to an arrow pointing in all directions, then click and hold to move the zone.

Edit/Remove corners: Hover over a green corner until it turns yellow, then click and hold to move the corner. If you move the corner so that it aligns with two other corners to form a straight line, the cursor turns red. Release the mouse button to remove the corner.

Add a corner: Hover the mouse over a straight line until it changes to an up/down arrow, then click and hold to create a new corner. Release the mouse button to create the corner.

(Click the image to enhance)

Changing the zone affects ALL existing registrations added to the map, area, or structure, not just new registrations.


When a zone is selected, the toolbar at the top allows the following options.

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  • Add: To create a new zone, start by drawing it in the view on the right.
  • Delete: Delete the selected zone. Zones are permanently deleted when you click 'Save'.
  • Edit: Change the name and properties of the selected zone. If the zone name is used in multiple zones, a popup will ask if the changes should apply to all zones or only to the selected one.
  • Copy: Copy the zone to the clipboard.
  • Paste: Paste the copied zone to a new location.
  • Rotate: Tools for rotating and mirroring the zone.
  • Undo: Undo the actions taken since the last save.
  • Redo: Redo the actions undone since the last save.
  • Bring forward: Move the zone one step forward. The most forward zone will be the only zone associated with registrations from this zone layer. The drop-down list allows you to place the zone in front of all others.
  • Send backward: The drop-down allows you to place the zone behind all others.

Station lines

To generate zones based on station lines, you must have at least one alignment file. Read this article to learn how to add alignment files to projects: Alignments

To generate new zones using station lines, navigate to:

Settings Locations Zones Add 'Station line'.

Type a name and click 'Add'.

(Click the image to enhance)

Double-click on or select the zone layer and click Edit to open it and start generating zones within it.

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Select the map view or an area with a drawing.

  • Alignment: Select a line from an alignment file.
  • Width: Enter the total width for all created zones.
  • Length:
    • Automatic: Use this setting to automatically create zones along the alignment with the same length (entered below under meters).
    • Manual: Use this method to create the zones manually.
  • Name: Choose how to name the zones
  • Chainage: Use the name + chainage interval
  • Custom: Enter a prefix + a start value and the intervals
  • Reverse: Select which end the zones should be generated from.

Click 'Apply' to see the zones generated. Click 'Save' to save your work.

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Click on a zone to view its name and properties, and to add or remove properties. Please note that generating new zones will overwrite this information.

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 Read more

If you want to learn more about using zones, you can read this article about how to use zones on the desktop app: Map on InfraField Desktop: How to use.

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