This article will explain how to create a new submittal.
A submittal consists of different metadata that helps to achieve trackable deliverables, such as:
- Submission deadline
- Submitter (User group who must deliver the files)
- Description
- Target folder (where the files will be uploaded to in Dalux Box)
- Placeholders (a list of placeholder files that need to be delivered before being able to submit)
Submittals manage and track the planned file deliveries/submittals on projects. The submittal feature allows you to tailor a review flow and document the review process in Dalux.
Read more
If you want to learn more about setting up submittals, submitting files, or the review process you can read these articles:
Table of contents
Understanding the submittal process
User rights
Project administrators, project planning managers, and submittal managers can create new submittals. It is also possible to set permissions in custom user groups to create/manage submittals in specific packages.
You can read more about permissions and user groups in this article: User groups
Roles in submittals
A submittal process in Dalux has the following roles:
- Submittal manager
- Submitter
- Review manager (optional)
- Reviewer (optional)
- Approver
Submittal managers
Submittal managers are responsible for creating new submittals. It is also possible to allow the creation of new submittals in different packages, at a user group level. Submittals are always created as drafts, and it is the submittal managers' responsibility to start the submittal with the 'Send to submitter' action.
Submitters are set for each submittal and are the specific user groups that can submit files. When the submitter has uploaded their files, they are responsible for marking the files as submitted to start the next step in the process.
Review managers
It is possible to set a review manager role, as an optional step before the review process. The review manager will be responsible for checking the submitted files, before sending the submittal to 'Review'. If necessary, a review manager has the option to add additional groups to the review process before sending the files for review.. Review managers can also return the submittal to the previous step.
Multiple different groups can be set as reviewers and are responsible for reviewing and commenting on the submitted files before the set deadline. When a group is done reviewing, they can set the status to 'Completed'. If the deadline passes, the review status is automatically changed to 'Completed'.
The approver is the last step in the submittal process and is responsible for approving or rejecting the submittal as a whole.
Submittal status
A submittal process can have the following stages:
- Draft
- Pending
- Submitted
- In review (If a review step has been added to the review flow)
- Waiting for approval
- Completed
New submittals are created in a draft state. All metadata on the submittal can be changed and the submittal will not be visible to the submitters, review managers, or approvers yet. No notifications are sent. Files cannot be uploaded to submittals in the draft status.
When the submittal process starts, the status is changed to pending. The submittal is now waiting for the submitter to upload files. An email notification will be sent out and the submittal is visible to the submitter in the 'My submittals' folder. The submittal is not visible to the review manager or reviewers yet. Files can be uploaded to the submittal.
After the files have been uploaded the submitter can submit the files and the status will change. If a review manager has been added to the flow, they will receive a notification.
In review
Submitted files will enter the review status if a review stage is in the submittal flow. If a review manager is also used, they will need to send the files for review. Users in the review group(s) receive a notification.
When a submittal is in the review status it will move to the Reviews folders in Box.
When a submittal is approved, it will be marked as completed and archived in Dalux.
How to create a new submittals
To start a submittal flow, a new submittal must be created. To do so go toBox
All submittals
Note, that you can also create new submittals from the different Packages. This method sets the package automatically for the new submittal.
(Click the image to enhance)
When creating a new submittal, a new window will appear, where the submittal can be configured.
Certain fields are required, such as name, deadline, and whether to use placeholder files.
It is also required to select a package and flow. You can read more about how to set up submittal in this article: Submittals: How to set up.
When done, click 'Save'. If you are making multiple submittals, you can tick 'Create another' and a new window will pop up after you click 'Save'.
New submittals are always created as a draft.
(Click the image to enhance)
A submittal is divided into several areas. As a draft, it is possible to change all metadata for the submittal.
You can edit the submittal while it is in 'Draft' or 'Pending' status. However, you cannot change the submitter or target folder, if files have been added to the submittal.
- The change status button is located at the top of the screen. Note: Because the submittal is in the draft status and everything can be changed, it is also possible to
Send to submitter without creating placeholders, despite it being set as a requirement when creating a new submittal. Make sure the submittal is ready before sending it to the submitter.
- The status of the submittal can be seen here.
- The flow can be seen at the top of the submittal. In draft and pending status, it is possible to change the groups associated with each step, by clicking on them and selecting a different user group.
- File placeholders are created and shown here - see below how file placeholders are created.
- The overall information for the submittal can be seen here. These values can be edited while in draft or pending status, by clicking the
- Attachments can be added to the submittal. Only files from Dalux Box can be attached.
- The full history of the submittal is shown here and is automatically updated.
(Click the image to enhance)
How to set up file placeholders
If required, you can specify which files that need to be uploaded to the submittal. This step is optional.
Tips and tricks
File placeholders are a good way to restrict uploads to certain types or file names - e.g. if you want files to comply with a file naming template. Keep in mind, that the submitter will need to match the placeholders exactly. You should consider when to use placeholders, based on what type of submittal you are creating.
This can be done by clicking the 'Setup placeholders' button in the Files area of the submittal.
Placeholders can be added manually or copied and pasted from a 2-column spreadsheet.
To add a file placeholder, click Add.
The uploaded file can have any name, but it must match the placeholder file name in order to fill the placeholder and submit the files.
The submitter has the option to upload files with different file names to the placeholder, but Dalux will rename the file, to match the placeholder.
Any files uploaded outside of the placeholders will be added as 'Additional files' to the submittal.
(Click the image to enhance)
When the submittal has been set up as desired, the process can be started by clicking on 'Send to submitter'. This changes the status to 'Pending' and notifies the users in the submitter role.
(Click the image to enhance)
Read more
If you want to learn more about setting up submittals, submitting files, or the review process you can read these articles: