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Submittals: How to review files

This article will explain the review features of submittals. All reviewers can review in parallel and create markups and comments on the submitted files. Adding a review to the submittal flow is optional.

 Read more

If you want to learn more about setting up submittals, creating new submittals, or how to submit files you can read these articles:

Table of contents

  1. How to add comments and markups
  2. How to complete a review
  3. How to delete or edit comments
  4. How to approve or reject a submittal

How to add comments and markups

 User rights

To leave comments and make markups during the review process, you need to belong to a user group that has the reviewer role.

Project administrators, project planning managers, and submittal managers can view the review and the comments/markups.

Active reviews can be found in Box  Reviews My reviews.

Open a review by double-clicking on it or selecting from the list and clicking View.

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If a user belongs to multiple user groups added to the review step, they will be asked to choose which review role they have.

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A review is organized like so:

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  1. The change status button is located at the top of the screen. Clicking Complete review will end the review for the entire review group.
  2. The status of the submittal can be seen here.
  3. The flow can be seen at the top of the submittal. The highlighted box (in this case 'Review' shows the current stage of the submittal.
  4. The files that are up for review can be seen here. Click on a file to open it and access the comments and markup functions.
  5. The overall information for the submittal can be seen here.
  6. Attachments added to the submittal can be found here.
  7. The full history of the submittal is shown here and is automatically updated.


If a reviewer misses the review deadline, the documents will automatically be sent to the approver.

Clicking on a file will open it, and from here it is possible to add and see comments for the file.

Comments in submittals do not have a template that can be adjusted, nor do they have an assignee. They are meant to be simple markups where the reviewers can leave their opinions on the files. The reviewers can delete their comments (before completing their review) but cannot delete the comments of other reviewers.

New comments can be added by clicking New comment.

You must create at least one markup using the tools from the toolbar at the bottom of the view.

When a markup has been added, a title and description for the comment can be written.

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All comments can be seen as markups on the file, or in a list view in the side panel.

This can be toggled on and off by clicking Show comments and selecting an option.

You can also choose to only see comments from within your group by toggling on 'Show only group comments' in the side panel.

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You can open a comment by clicking on the markup or from the list view in the side panel. It is then possible to write a message on the comment. Every user group in the review can add messages to each other comments.

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All correspondence is saved in the submittal when the review is completed.

How to complete a review

When a review group is done adding comments to the submittal, they can mark the review as completed, by clicking Complete review. If review responses have been set up, they can be selected from the pop-up window, and it is possible to add a message.


Clicking Complete review will end the review for everyone in the user group and cannot be undone.


The review responses do not change the outcome of the review. They help the approver understand the reviews better. For example, if a review is marked as 'Rejected', it doesn't automatically mean the submission is rejected. Only users with the approver role can approve or reject the submission.

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How to delete or edit comments

It is possible to edit or delete a comment during the review process for your current review group. Note that you cannot edit the markups for comments, only the title and message.

Editing a comment can be done by opening a comment and clicking the -icon next to either the title or description.

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To delete a comment, hover over it in the list view and click . You will be prompted if you want to delete the comment.

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How to approve or reject a submittal

When all reviews are marked as completed or a deadline has passed, the users in the approver role can evaluate the submittal and either approve or reject it.

The approver will see an overview of activities from the review. They can quickly jump to the comments from each review group and see the review responses used.

An overview for each group is shown, and comments can be opened by clicking the -icon.

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When viewing the comments made during the review, you can assign them directly to the submitter.
It is also possible to assign them manually if someone other than the submitter should be responsible.

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When the submittal has been evaluated it can be approved or rejected with Approve or Reject submittal.


Clicking Approve will instantly approve the submittal and the action cannot be undone. Project administrators, project planning managers, or submittal managers can still delete the submittal.

Completed and approved submittals will be marked with 'Completed' status and can be sorted and filtered in the All submittals or All reviews folders.

They will also be put in the Reviews Archived folder.

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If a submittal is rejected, a new deadline must be set, and it is possible to write a message. The submittal will return to the 'Pending' status and new files can be added to the submittal. The rejection is logged in the submittal history.

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 Read more

If you want to learn more about setting up submittals, creating new submittals, or how to submit files you can read these articles:

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