The Revit Plugin is a plugin developed by Dalux that integrates into Revit, supporting a variety of functions like uploading models and drawings, creating comments, and integrating with the Model validation feature.
You can use the Revit Plugin to upload models directly from Revit to your Dalux project. This article will explain how to perform the model/drawing upload. Please note that you do not upload the '.RVT' model file to Dalux, only the 'daluxbim' file used in Locations.
To learn how to install the plugin and use its other features, read this article.
This plugin only works with full versions of Revit, make sure that your version of Revit supports the plugin version. When Revit is updated, it can cause issues due to a version mismatch with the plugin.
Before attempting to upload a model using the Revit plugin, make sure that your project's coordinates are properly set up for upload. This article (Revit Survey Point) can help you if you are unsure or have synchronization issues.
Table of contents
How to upload and update your 3D model and drawing files
User rights
To be able to upload documents from Revit, you need to be in a user group with rights to edit buildings and locations on the relevant Dalux project. If you cannot do this, contact your project administrator.
To upload your model from Revit to Dalux, open Revit, make sure you are logged into your Dalux account in the plugin, and select Upload. The DaluxBIM Export Wizard will open in a new window:
Now follow the steps in the Export Wizard.
Building selection
Choose the Dalux project and building you want to upload your model to:
If it is the first time you upload this model, select "new file" in the File field. If you have previously uploaded this model, then select the file you want to update.
Make sure that the building where you want to upload your Revit file already exists on the Dalux project, as you cannot create new buildings via the plugin.
On the tab "Agenda", choose what data you want to export to your Dalux project. You can choose different phases, model views and sheets.
3D selection
In "3D Selection", you can choose the 3D view you want to export. Only objects which are visible in this view will be imported to Dalux.
Please note that once the 3D model has been uploaded via the plug-in, it will appear in Locations and cannot be removed without deleting the model/file itself. An alternative is to upload an empty 3D view, thereby essentially hiding the 3D model from Locations.
If the detail level of the selected 3D view is not set to "fine" it is possible that Revit geometry is represented with lines instead of faces, meaning that no 3D geometry will be uploaded to Dalux. Make sure to set the detail level to "fine" to make sure that no issues occur.
View selection
Choose the discipline and subdiscipline in "View Selection" to structure your views automatically by your BIM attributes, so that the views are easier to find. Check the boxes to select which views you want to export. When a file is selected, you can choose if you want to create the view as new, or choose to update or delete an already existing view in your Dalux project. You can do that in the ‘Action’ column.
Tips and tricks
You can multiselect by holding shift while selecting multiple views.
Sheet selection
Select your sheets in "Sheet Selection" just as you have done with your views.
Your views and sheets will be aligned precisely and automatically with the upload, there is no further mapping necessary.
Sheet setup
In "Sheet Setup", you can select the name format for the sheets you decided to upload, as well as the levels and active viewports where the sheets will be linked.
The Dalux name format is added to the metadata field 'Title' and used to identify the drawing under Locations.
If you do not select any value, the document will be uploaded to Dalux without being linked to the model.
Level mapping
!If there have already been created levels in your Dalux project, you must refrain from creating levels from your sheets during the upload to Dalux!
You can set up the levels created in Dalux which are pulled from your model and then reference the sheets to the right levels. You can choose existing levels if they have already been created, or create a new one based on the level of your view.
Document properties
In "Document Properties" you can fill file properties according to your project setup. If there is a file naming template set up in your project, make sure to adjust the names of the files accordingly. You will get either a warning if the file naming doesn't match or you might not be allowed to upload your files, if that is the setup of the project.
Your model will be uploaded in the Locations module as a daluxbim-file. If the model is linked to Dalux Box, it will be saved there as a daluxbim-file as well.
When you have finished setting up the upload of your file, you can see an overview of what data will be created or updated in Dalux. If you are satisfied, you can continue and upload your model, sheets and views by clicking Export:
Linked Revit models and loaded .dwg's
If you have linked other file types into your Revit project, they will not all be considered by the Revit plugin. These linked files will not be uploaded when uploading your project using the Revit plugin as the plugin depends on the information available from the Revit software.
Loaded .dwg files
.dwg files loaded into the model that contains 3D objects will be uploaded as one single object:
(Click to enhance image)
An imported dwg will look like this in Revit (one large selectable object):
This then ends up the same way in Dalux: