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Activity log

The activity log is a tool available to project administrators to see information on all activities in the project.

The log shows information about the general activity in the project across all modules and users. Project administrators can use this to track activities if they need clarification regarding specific activities in the project.

Technical information

Actions are not immediately saved but will be visible after a short while.

Table of contents

  1. Activity log access
  2. Overview of the activity log
  3. How to extract specific information from the log
  4. Export data

Activity log access

User rights

The activity log can only be accessed by project administrators. If a user without these permissions needs information from the activity log, they must request it from a project administrator.

Overview of the activity log

The activity log is found under Settings Project setup History: 'Activity log':

(Click the image to enhance)

The activity log contains an overview of all activities in the project. It is presented in a list view with columns for the different types of metadata for the activities. In the list view you can find information about:

  • Date - the date when the action occurred
  • Module - the specific module or section of the system where the action took place
  • Description - a brief explanation or summary of the action
  • Action - the activity performed by the user
  • Receiver - the email address of the person who received the action or notification
  • Sender - the email address of the person who sent the action or notification
  • Files - any files that were involved in the action, such as uploaded files
  • Changed by - the user who acted, exclusive to the receiver and sender
  • Company - the company that the user belongs to

How to extract specific information from the log

The log stores information about all project activities, which can make the list view appear crowded with too much information. To find the activity you are looking for, it is important to use the search and filter functions.

To use the search bar, type in keywords in the search bar. The search will search across all types of parameters.

To use the filter, go to the activity and select Add filter:

(Click the image to enhance)

In this window, choose the parameter you want to filter by and click 'OK'. Like other list views in Dalux, you need to select the specific values for the parameter to see the results. To further refine the results, you can apply additional filters by repeating the steps above.

Export data

You can export the data from the activity log. To do so, go to the activity log and click 'Export':

(Click the image to enhance)

The export function can be combined with filters to export only parts of the data from the activity log.

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