This article describes how to set up metadata requirements for files uploaded in Dalux Box. Metadata requirements allow you to specify what data has to be added when uploading files.
This ensures that files carry all the necessary information and helps you to have a consistent quality of data in your project.
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Table of contents
How to set up metadata requirements
Metadata requirements are included in Box Pro and are automatically enabled without any manual activation.
To successfully set up metadata requirements, you need to
- Create and set up metadata fields,
- Set the fields required for the chosen file type, and
- Select the folders where you want to have metadata requirements.
Set up the metadata
A lot of metadata is generated automatically by Dalux as part of the documentation process. Custom data fields can be added if required. To learn more on how to create metadata, read the article Set up metadata.
Data that can be set as required contains:
- Status (if activated, only available for drawings and documents)
- Content description
- Title
- Custom metadata
Technical information
Metadata needs to be both available for the selected file type and set as 'Show in list as default':
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Select required metadata
Once the custom metadata fields are prepared, you can set up metadata requirements in
Metadata: 'Metadata requirements'
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You can define metadata requirements for the file types Dalux differentiates between:
- Documents
- Drawings
- Models
Different file types can have different requirements, however, the same file type can only have the same requirements throughout the project to ensure consistent data quality.
Double-click on the file type or select it and click Edit to change the required metadata. Tick the boxes next to the data fields to set them as required.
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Select folders
Add the folders for which you want to make the metadata required. Select the file type and choose Folder to open the selection menu. Tick the boxes of either subfolders or main folders that allow you to select all subfolders automatically.
Metadata will still be available for other folders not selected here but will not be mandatory to fill out.
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How to use metadata requirements
Once set up, users will be prompted to fill in metadata when uploading files to selected folders.
Users upload new files under:
Select folder
Required metadata is marked with a red asterisk so users are informed what data to add. When trying to upload files without all the necessary data, Dalux will show an error message and highlight what data is missing.
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Read more
You can also fill out metadata automatically from the file name. If you want to learn more about using file naming templates, you can read this article: File naming templates.