As a project administrator, you can manage the building structure in Dalux using the Locations module.
Buildings under the Locations module should represent the physical location as accurately as possible and must include a building, level, and drawing.
The discipline and subdiscipline are optional but are used to further organize the drawings to help the end user on site.
(Click the image to enhance)
Locations module
When users create registrations on site, they can use the structure under the Locations module to locate the registration using the desktop and mobile applications:
(Click the image to enhance)
Mobile users will also use the same structure when creating registrations.
(Click the image to enhance)
Locations administration
The project administrator must create a building before models and drawings can be added.
User groups with the permission to edit locations and buildings can add models and drawings to a building.
Read more about user group permissions here:
Read this article to learn how to upload BIM models and drawings manually:
Upload IFC model files and 2D drawings
Read this article to learn how to upload BIM models and drawings via the plugin:
Revit Plugin: Upload and update 3D models and drawings
Read more
If you want to learn more about how to set up Dalux according to best practices, read these articles: