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Work packages and workflows - best practice

As a project administrator, you can manage permissions in Dalux Field using work packages and workflows.

Work packages are the foundation of Dalux, as they are used to control user group permission settings and information flow.

When creating work packages, we recommend that you use the following principles:

  • Use a numbering system
  • Create one work package per (sub)contract
  • Create one workflow per construction process

The best practice project setup is designed to handle the communication between the design, construction manager, and subcontractors of a typical construction project.

Numbering system

On large projects, there are many work packages and workflows. If they aren't organized, it can be hard to keep track of them.

We recommend using a numbering or classification system based on the contracts of a typical construction project and the construction process they support.

(Click the image to enhance)

The sorting is based on the work package/flow name, so you will have the same order on all projects.

Work package per (sub)contract

Create one work package per construction contract, using national or company standards where possible.

Some national standards that can be used as guidelines: 

"Contract type" of Molios publication A104: Molio

"Work sections" of NRM 2: RICS

"Specifications group" of Masterformat: CSI resources

"Building elements" of Uniformat: CSI resources

"Building elements" of NL-SFB: NL-SFB-BK

Workflow per construction process

For each work package, create a workflow that contains a construction process, and be sure to always add user groups, not individual users, to the roles within the workflow.

(Click the image to enhance)

Each workflow should then contain a task type that is set up to support that particular construction process.

(Click the image to enhance)

Work package administration

Never add individual users to the workflow roles, always add a user group.
This makes it easier to add and replace users later.

Read more on how to create Work packages and workflows here: Work Packages and workflows

 Read more

If you want to learn more about how to set up Dalux according to best practices, read these articles:

User groups - best practice

Locations - best practice

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