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Model validation: How to set up

The model validation tool allows users to set requirements for clashes and clearances between objects in their building models without having to wait for feedback from a second party. Users with access can self-evaluate models using the feature.

The tool makes it possible to analyze whether objects comply with the clash and clearance requirements for the project by applying them to the model inside of Dalux, instantly providing users with the information they need to either:

  • Make the necessary changes in the modeling software
  • Collaborate with other project participants by commenting on objects that don't comply with the requirements
  • Decide to ignore the clash/clearance issue if it is not relevant

Table of contents

  1. Activate model validation
  2. Set up access to model validation
  3. Set up requirements/rule sets

Activate model validation

 User rights

A project administrator or project planning manager needs to activate model validation.

Model validation is part of Design and is automatically available when Design is activated. To activate Design, go to


(Click the image to enhance)

Set up access to model validation

 User rights

To set up access to model validation you need to be a project administrator or a project planning manager.

After activating Design, permissions will need to be set for users to have access to model validation. Any custom user group can be added, from SettingsBoxDesign'Groups with access'.

Alternatively, access can be given when setting permissions for user groups in the users' section of settings.

Set up requirements/rule sets

To create requirements, you first need to create a folder as all requirements need to be assigned to a folder.

 User rights

To set up a folder for a user group you need to be the group admin for that user group. To set up a folder for everyone in the project, you need to be the project administrator or Project planning manager. Project administrators and Project planning managers cannot set up folders for user groups without also being a user group admin.

To set up the requirements, go to

DesignSelect a buildingModel validationSelect a model file:

(Click the image to enhance)

From here you need to create a folder that the check(s) and user groups can be assigned to. Then you create checks and assign them to the respective folders.


To create a folder, go to AddFolder:

(Click the image to enhance)

Give the folder a name and decide whether it should be visible to only you, a specific user group, or everyone that has access to Design.

You need to be a group admin to be able to assign it to a specific user group.

Add checks

When the folder has been created, you can begin to create checks and allocate them to the folder.
You can have several checks for each folder. 

To create a clash check, click AddClash or Clearance:

(Click the image to enhance)

A clash needs a name, a folder it belongs to, and a tolerance in mm which decides:

  • Clashes: the tolerance for how much the objects need to overlap before it is identified as a clash
  • Clearances: the minimum tolerance objects need for it to uphold the requirements for clearances

Then you define 'Selection A' and 'Selection B', which decides what objects are analyzed for clashes between A and B. 

Selection A is the primary selection, so the checks are grouped by this filter (clash groups).

Selection B is the secondary selection and is displayed below the grouping of selection A.

In the example above, the following selections have been set:

  • Selection A:
    • Category = Walls
  • Selection B:
    • Category = Ducts or Pipes (category matches at least one of the two values)

The requirement will check for clashes between Walls and Ducts/Pipes, and the clashes will be displayed as:

  • Wall object (total number of clashes)
    • Duct object clash 1
    • Duct object clash 2
    • Pipe object clash 1
    • Pipe object clash 2

Specifying the selection

Use a variety of tools to specify and narrow down the selections to identify the objects.

The first column of fields specifies how that property will be handled. You can choose between:

  • Isolate: only displays objects that meet the criteria
  • Hide: hides all objects that meet the criteria
  • Free text search: displays all objects for which one of their properties matches

The second column of fields decides which type of property is being handled:

Perform the checks

When the check has been given a name, been assigned to a folder, a tolerance has been set, and the selections specified as needed, save the check. It will now be available to users who see the folder, and they can start checking for clashes/clearances.

 Read more

If you want to learn more about doing clash checks, read this article: Model validation: How to perform checks.

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