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Create work orders on desktop

This article will cover how you use work orders in Dalux, such as creating them, setting a location, a responsible person, a deadline, and other actions like attaching a checklist.

Table of contents

  1. How to create a work order
  2. Edit a work order
  3. How to respond to a work order

How to create a work order

To create a work order on desktop, go to: 

Work orders Work orders Create - Work order:

(Click the image to enhance)

This will open a new window where you can create the work order and add the necessary information to it:

(Click the image to enhance)

If there are different work order templates for the instance, select the most relevant one. Otherwise, the 'Standard' template will be the default selection.

Include all the necessary details so that the responsible person can quickly identify the issue. You can write a description of the issue and add an image by clicking the in the image section.


You need to select a placement for the work order, letting the responsible know where the issue is.

To add a placement, you can choose a building from the (1) drop-down menu or (2) the map/list view, or (3) place it on the map:

(Click the image to enhance)

It's possible to select multiple buildings in the map and building list views:

(Click the image to enhance)

If the issue is related to a specific asset, select that asset by clicking Asset and then choose the asset from the list view:

(Click the image to enhance)

If you choose an asset, it will automatically place the work order in the building where the asset is located.


Selecting a reporter lets the responsible know who to contact in case they need more information on the work order. The work order needs to be placed before being able to add a reporter.


You can add checklists to the work order with the checklist button at the top of the work order creation menu.

This opens a new window where you can choose the checklist and check off whether it is required, and if a checklist should be created per placement, if the work order has multiple placements - such as multiple buildings or assets:

(Click the image to enhance)


A user in the instance needs to be chosen as the responsible for the work order and as such are responsible for the work order being carried out. The responsible will receive the work order in their work order inbox:

(Click the image to enhance)

To select a responsible user, first, choose the team responsible for the area, and then select the user within that team who should be responsible for the work order. Only users from the chosen team will appear in the drop-down menu:


If the work order requires an external supplier, select a supplier from the supplier field. Only suppliers added to the FM instance can be chosen.

Adding a supplier sends the work order to the supplier through the supplier portal. You can use the supplier portal if you have operations and maintenance pro. Here the work order will be available to see for the supplier in their work order inbox.

Service agreement

You can select from service agreements added to the instance.

Doing this auto-selects the supplier that was chosen as the supplier for that agreement and selects the default contact person for the agreement.


A deadline can be added to the work order, along with a start date and whether the work order is an all-day event or not:


In the miscellaneous section, you will find a set of extended options to add to your work order.

You can choose a priority, work order type, whether the work order is statutory, and if there's a warranty:


By default, can choose between a low, medium, and high priority for the work order to make it easier to see how urgent the given work order is. It is also possible to filter by the priority in the list view.

Priorities can be customized in the settings.

Work order type

There are four default work order types, but additional types may be available if added by the administrator. The default types include:

  • Preventative
  • Replacement
  • Mitigating
  • Service order


With this option, you can mark if the work order is statutory. This field is used to be able to filter for work orders that are statutory in the list views.


With this option, you can mark whether the work order is related to the warranty or not. This field is used to be able to filter for work orders that have a warranty in the list views.


In the economy section, you can type in the cost of the work order. If the cost is not straight-forward there is a calculator sheet available to the right of it, where you can type in every component, their quantity, the unit used, unit price, and the price of it:

(Click the image to enhance)

Edit a work order

You can edit an already-created work order. To do so, go to:

Work orders Work orders - All work orders  double click the work order.

From the work order window, you can change the status using the buttons in the top bar and perform other actions, which are found in the More menu:

 Read more

If you want to learn more about how to respond to work order you received, read this article: Respond to work orders on desktop.

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