This article will show you how to order work orders from a supplier. We will cover how to send work orders to suppliers and how to approve or reject work done by the supplier.
If you want to learn how to set up companies for the supplier portal, you can read this article: Supplier portal: Set up companies.
Table of contents
How to order work orders from suppliers
User rights
You must be able to create or edit work orders before you can send them to suppliers. You can read more about user roles in Dalux FM here: User roles and regions.
You can read more about creating work orders in this article: Create work orders on desktop
There are two ways of sending work orders to suppliers. You can assign a supplier on existing or new work orders or create a new work order when viewing the company.
When creating or editing a work order, scroll down to the Responsible area.
Select a supplier from the drop-down menu or use the -icon to open the full list of suppliers.
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When you select a supplier, you also need to set a contact person. The contact person could be someone in the physical building, who can assist the supplier with access or navigation.
The person creating the work order is automatically assigned as the contact person, but this can be changed by clicking the -icon.
(Click the image to enhance)
You can select a contact person from:
- Team - A user within your team
- Team group - A user within teams in your group
- Contacts - A user from the contacts on the instance
- Custom - A custom contact not in the instance
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When the work order is created, you will be prompted to either order the work order or not. If you click 'Order' the work order is created and the order is sent to the supplier.
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If you do not order the work order, the work order will be marked as 'New, awaiting order'.
This allows you to look through the work order before sending it to the supplier.
To send the work order, open the work order again and click on Order. When ordering a work order, you can add an optional internal/external note, and add attachments.
(Click the image to enhance)
The supplier will be notified by email when the work order is ordered.
How to order directly from the supplier portal company overview
You can also create orders directly to the company when viewing them in the supplier portal overview.
You can find the overview in by going to:
General settings
Base data: 'Companies'.
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In the new window, click on Supplier portal and select the company. Open it by either double-clicking or by clicking
Show company.
(Click the image to enhance)
With the company open, you can click Order work order. This will open a new work order window, and the supplier will automatically be assigned.
After this, the process is the same as shown above.
How to approve or reject work done by a supplier
If the supplier has enabled the 'Tasks need approval' setting in the supplier portal for the company, any work completed by the supplier must be approved or rejected by the customer (the individual or team who issued the work order).
An order marked as complete by the supplier can be found in either:
My inbox - If you are the direct responsible for the order
External work orders - If you are not directly responsible, but your user permissions allow you to see the order
In either case, the work order can be opened by double-clicking or using Show work order.
(Click the image to enhance)
When the work order is opened, you can see all the added information and the full history of the order. Depending on the setup and active module you can see information such as time registration and economy.
The response options are at the top. If you are satisfied with the supplier's work, click Approve, close.
(Click the image to enhance)
When closing an order, you can add internal or external notes and add attachments. If using time registration and economy, you might have to fill in information for these fields as well, before the order can be closed. Click on 'Save' when done and the order will be closed.
(Click the image to enhance)
The supplier can find the completed work order in the Completed inbox and the customer can find it in the
Team's completed, closed inbox.
If a work order is reopened, it will need to go through the same step. Such as being approved by the supplier.
Read more
If you want to learn more about using work orders, read this article: Create work orders on desktop.