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Scan QR codes for assets in FM

This article will cover how to scan QR codes on FM assets.

QR codes for assets can speed up your workflow by allowing you to instantly open the assets and view the information contained within.

If you want more information about how to create QR codes, you can refer to this article: QR-codes for assets in FM.

Table of contents

  1. How to scan QR codes with the Dalux FM Mobile App

How to scan QR codes with the Dalux FM Mobile App

To scan a QR code with the Dalux FM app, open the app and press the QR code icon () in the top right of the screen. The icon can be found in either the Work orders or Assets tab.

It does not matter which menu you scan the QR code from.

The Dalux FM App will only open QR codes for the specific instance you are currently logged into. If you are working with multiple Dalux FM instances, be sure to switch to the correct one before scanning the QR code.

(Click the image to enhance)

The Dalux FM App automatically opens the asset when the code is scanned.

From here, you can (depending on user permissions):

  • View the asset
  • Edit or delete the asset
  • Create a work order on the asset
  • Create a ticket on the asset

Viewing the asset information

To see assets, you must have a user role with access to assets and at least viewing access to the asset tied to the QR code you scanned. You will be informed if you do not have access.

After scanning the QR code, press 'Show asset'. This will open the individual asset, and all information can be seen.

(Click the image to enhance)

If the asset has been connected to a product, all product documents are at the bottom of the asset. You can press on them to open them.

This makes it easy for facility management personnel to quickly scan the QR code and access any technical documents for the product.

Edit or delete assets

Scan the QR code for the asset and press 'Show asset'.

If you have edit permissions, you will see an DaluxIcon_edit.png-icon at the top. Pressing the icon will reopen the asset window, and all information can be changed.

To delete the asset, click the icon. You will be prompted to confirm the deletion.

To learn more about creating or editing assets on mobile, you can read this article: Create FM assets on mobile.

Creating work orders or tickets on assets

After you scan the QR code you can create a a work order by:

  • Pressing DaluxIcon_add.png in the top right cover
  • Pressing after opening the asset with 'Show asset'

This automatically links the asset to the work order or ticket, including placement data.

(Click the image to enhance)

You can learn more about creating work orders or tickets on mobile in these articles:

 Read more

If you want to learn more about creating QR codes, read this article: QR-codes for assets in FM.

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