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Use the Budget module

The Budget module in FM allows you to track spending on work orders and recurring work orders, as well as invoices, budgets, accounts, and future planned expenses via the 30 year plan.

Table of contents

  1. Budget module
  2. Budget Follow-up
  3. 30 year plan
  4. Projects
  5. Invoice
 User rights

Only users in a user role with 'access to Budget' permission can see and use the module.

Budget module

The following elements make up the Budget module:

(Click the image to enhance)

  • Budget Follow-up: This shows all active budgets with the allocated funds and the current state of the economy.
  • 30 year plan: This shows all work orders and recurring work orders with expected costs for the next 30 years. The simulated cost of the assets is also displayed here.
  • Projects: This shows all active projects. Projects can be linked to project plans to track the economy, and to a Handover from a Dalux build project to import location(BIM) and asset data. 

Budget Follow-up

This area shows all active budgets and their associated economy.

(Click the image to enhance)

All Budget area entries: This lists the budget posts from all active budgets. Below are the standard filters ⠀of the active budgets. These standard filters cannot be removed, renamed, or deleted. 

Work orders not in budget: Work orders with economy but not added to an account or project plan with a budget. 

When you select a budget post in the main window, the toolbar allows you to:

  • Show related work orders: View a list of all work orders associated with an account that draws funds from this budget post.
  • Show related work order series: View a list of all recurring work orders associated with an account that draws funds from this budget post.
  • More: Export the current view to a spreadsheet.

Budget column

This column totals the budget amount for each post added to this budget, regardless of account and project plan.

  • Charged column: If invoices are activated for the FM instance, this column totals the 'Approved and paid' invoices of work orders. If invoices are inactive, this column does not track any information. 
  • Predisposed column: If invoices are activated for the FM instance, this column totals the expected invoice amount for work orders. If invoices are inactive, this column totals the expected amount for work orders.
  • Residual column: If invoices are activated for the FM instance, this column totals the difference between the 'Budget' and 'Charged' + 'Predisposed' columns. If invoices are inactive, this column totals the difference between the 'Budget' and 'Predisposed' columns.

30 year plan

The 30 year plan shows all the work orders and their expected cost for the next 30 years. The simulated cost of the assets is also displayed here.

 User rights

Only users in a user role with 'Edit work orders' permissions under Work orders can create work orders.

(Click the image to enhance)

30 year plan: Lists all the work orders and their associated expected cost. Each column tracks the economy based on the work order deadlines or the simulated cost of assets.

Below is the standard filter Estate. The standard filter cannot be removed, renamed, or deleted.

In the main window, you can:

  • Create: Click here to create a new or recurring work order.

When a work order/recurring work order is selected, you can:

  • Show work order: This will open a new window and display the highlighted work order
  • Change deadline: This will open a window where you can change the deadline and type in a note. 
  • Select account and project plan: This will open a window displaying the current account and project plan. You can change the values from here.
  • More: You can delete the highlighted work order under more and export the current columns to a spreadsheet. It is deleted permanently and cannot be recovered.


This is where the various projects and information about them can be created. A link to project plans can track the economy, and a link to a Handover project can transfer BIM data to your FM instance.

(Click the image to enhance)

  • Create: Click here to create a new project
  • Show: Click here to open the project and edit the content
  • More: You can delete the highlighted project under more. It is deleted permanently and cannot be recovered.

Create projects

 User rights

Only users in a user role with 'edit projects' permissions for Budget can create new projects.

To create a new project, go to:

Budget Projects Create


Settings Projects 'Projects'Create

(Click the image to enhance)

  • Name: This identifies the project in the list view and map view.
  • Status: This can be active or inactive. It is used for sorting and does not change any features.
  • Description: This is a short description of the project and is used to identify the purpose of the project.


  • Sum: This indicates the cost and is displayed on the map view. This does not affect linked project plans.
  • Phase: This indicates the phase of the project. The values are shown as green squares in the list and map view. See below for how to create them.

Project leader

  • Name: Text field that identifies the project leader and is used for filtering and sorting.
  • Email: Text field identifying the project leader's email, visible only in the project window.
  • Phone number: Text field identifying the project leader's phone number, visible only in the project window.
  • Title: Text field identifying the title of the project leader, visible only in the project window.

Project scope

This is a list of the buildings that are linked to this project. Create a new building or choose an existing one.

  • : Click here to select among existing buildings
  • Create new building: If you have permission to edit the building mass, you can create a new building here.

Edit Project

 User rights

Users in a user role with 'access to project' permissions for Budget can only change status and add project plans. Users in a user role with 'edit projects' for Budget can edit all fields on a project.

To edit a project:

Budget Projects Select a project Show


Settings Projects 'Projects' Select a project Show

(Click the image to enhance)

Project plans

  • Add: Add a new project plan to the project. This does not affect the sum
  • Remove: Select a project plan from the list and remove it from the project

In the lower right corner, you can attach documents for this project. When there are documents on a project plan, they are listed below the documents section:

(Click the image to enhance)

Create and edit phases

 User rights

Only users in a user role with 'edit projects' permissions for Budget can create and delete phases

To create and edit phases:

Settings Projects 'Phases'

(Click the image to enhance)

Hover the mouse over a phase to reveal the tools:

  • : Change the name
  • : Delete the phase; if you delete a phase that is already in use, you have to select another to take its place.
  • Add phase:  Add a new phase

Drag and drop the phases to change the sequence.

Link to Handover

If the instance is set up by Dalux, you can link to a Dalux Build project and import the BIM model with location and assets from the Handover module.

Budget Projects Select a project ShowLink to Dalux Handover

Contact your local Dalux customer success manager to learn more about this feature.


 User rights

Only users in a user role with 'Edit invoice' permissions under Work orders can create invoices.

Invoices allow you to track invoice amount, status, due date, and attached documents. They can be linked to work orders or service agreement to track economy. 

(Click the image to enhance)

The default filters of Invoices always appear at the top and cannot be changed:

  • All invoices: All invoices you have permission to see.
  • My unpaid: Invoices not paid where you are responsible.
  • Team's unpaid: Invoices not paid where one from your team is responsible.
  • Team's paid: Invoices approved and paid where you are responsible.
  • Team's rejected: Invoices rejected where one from your team is responsible.
  • Incorrect data: All invoices you have permission to see, that have incorrect data.

Colored dots

To the left of each invoice, the colored dot indicates whether that invoice has been or will be paid on time.

If the due date of an invoice is after the current date, it is red.

If approved and paid before the due date, it is green.

If there is no colored dot, then there is no due date, or the due date is in the future.


The toolbar contains the following tools when an invoice is selected.

  • Create: Create a new invoice. See below.
  • Show invoice: Opens the invoice window, from here you can edit the data.
  • More:
    • Delete: Delete the selected invoice(s). Data is permanently deleted and cannot be recovered.
    • Export: Export current invoices with data from visible columns.

Create an invoice

daluxicon_task.pngWork orders Invoices Create Invoice

(Click the image to enhance)

Attach: An invoice can be attached to a service agreement or work order, and they are displayed under Relations.

See below under 'Show invoice' for details.


  • Received: Invoice received and is unpaid. 
  • Rejected: Invoice received but will not be paid.
  • Item received: Materials received for the work, but is not paid.
  • Approve and pay: The 'Netto amount' is paid in full and affects the Charged column of a budget if it has been added to an account.

Main data

  • Invoice number: Mandatory field used to identify the invoice.
  • Invoice date: Enter the date when the invoice was received.
  • Due date: Date of payment of the invoice. This will affect the colored dots described above.
  • Netto amount: Enter the invoice amount, this will affect the charged column when the invoice is paid and the economy is closed.


This displays the first page of the first document added to the invoice; you must create the invoice before you can add documents to an invoice.

See below under 'Show invoice' for details.

Show invoice (Edit)

Work orders Invoices Select an invoice Show invoice

(Click the image to enhance)

Status and Main data can be edited as described under Create. Se above.


Edit document: Click here to add or remove documents attached to this invoice.


Work order (See image above)

If an invoice is attached to a work order it will be shown here. You cannot edit the data directly here from the invoice.  Click Show work order to open the attached work order. 

Service agreement

If an invoice is attached to a service agreement it will be shown here. You cannot edit the data directly here from the invoice. 

(Click the image to enhance)

Click the Show supplier to open the supplier windows.

Click the 'Show service agreement' to open the service agreement.

 Read more

To learn more about setting up the Budget module, read this article: Set up the Budget module.

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