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Inventory management

Inventory management allows you to create and track items and storerooms.

Items can be used when calculating the cost of a work order, and can be taken from a specific storeroom, ensuring that usage is tracked and allowing you to order new ones before you run out.

Table of contents

  1. Activate inventory management
  2. Inventory management
  3. Items
  4. Store rooms

Activate inventory management

Read this article to learn how to activate the inventory management feature: Set up the Budget module.

Inventory management

 User rights

In order to create items and storerooms, you must either be an administrator or have administrator permissions for the Assets module.

You manage you inventory with the use of 'Items' and 'Store rooms'.

(Click the image to enhance)


Items are consumable assets that are used to calculate the cost of a work order and track the amount in your inventory. They can be linked to products for information and store rooms to track the quantity.

(Click the image to enhance)

The standard All items filter cannot be moved, deleted, or renamed and will always appear at the top.

Create: Create a new item. See below.

Show item: Select an item and click here to show and edit it. See below.

Add stocking: Select an item and click here to add the item to a store room. See Below.


    • Delete: Delete the selected item. Data is deleted permanently and cannot be recovered.
    • Create data: Import a spreadsheet with items.
    • Get template: Download a template for import here.

Create items

AssetsItems All itemsCreate.

(Click the image to enhance)

Main data

  • Active: Select between Yes/No. Only active items can be used on work orders and added to store rooms.
  • Item name: Used to identify the item when adding to a work order or store room.
  • Unit: Select the unit type for this item. 
  • Stockable
    • Yes: This item can be added to a store room and can only be used on a work order if it is in stock.
    • No: You cannot add this item to a store room, and it can always be added to a work order, if active.
  • Description: Text field used to identify this item. 


  • Supplier: Select a supplier from your contact catalog of producers.
  • Purchase price: The value will be used for the expected cost when added to a work order.
  • Sales price: The value is for information only, and not used in any calculations.
  • Reordering number:Number used to identify the item, when you reorder it.

Product: Select a product from your product catalog and it will automatically populate the fields and image. You cannot manually add information here.

Stock rules

You must create the item before you can add stock rules. See edit below.

Edit items

AssetsItems Click on a filterClick on an itemShow item

You can edit all the data fields as described in 'Create'. See the section above for details.

'Stock rules' and 'Store rooms' can only be added to an item that has already been saved.

(Click the image to enhance)

Stock rules

  • Add: Add a new rule for this item. See below.
  • Edit: Edit an existing rule.
  • Remove: Delete the selected stock rule. Deleting the stock rule is permanent and cannot be undone.

Store Rooms

This displays the current store rooms that have this item stocked and the amount.

Hover the mouse over a store room and click to open the list of items in stock for that location.

See below under 'Show items in store room' for details.

Add stock rules

You can create one(1) stock rule per store room for each item, which will help you manage the amount of items. 

Only items in stock can be used to calculate the cost of a work order from that store room.

If the amount falls below the minimum amount, the store room will be colored red in the list view. 

See 'Store rooms' for details.

AssetsItems Click on a filterClick on an itemShow itemAdd

(Click the image to enhance)

  • Name: Identifies this rule under the item and store room.
  • Item name: Select the item to make the rule for. 
  • Store room: Select the store room to make the rule for. 
  • Placement: Text field to help locate the item in the store room
  • Minimum: Enter the minimum amount of this item to be in stock for this store room
  • Maximum: Enter the maximum amount of this item to be in stock for this store room

Add items to a store room

AssetsItems Click on a filterClick on an itemAdd stocking

(Click the image to enhance)

  • Store room: Select the store room to add the amount to the inventory.
  • Purchase price: Automatically populated based on the default value from the item.
  • Sales price: Automatically populated based on the default value from the item.
  • Amount: Enter amount to add to the store room.

Any manual adjustments to purchase and/or sales prices will affect the items added to all store rooms and work orders, not just this store room.

Store rooms

Store rooms are locations where items can be stored, usually within a building or a specific room.

(Click the image to enhance)

To the left of each store room, the colored dots indicate the status of the stock rules applied to it.

See 'Add stock rules' above.

Red: Items are below minimum value.

Grey: There are no stock rule applied to this store room.

Green: Items are above minimum value.

  • Create: Create a new store room. See below.
  • Show store room: Select a store room and click to open the store room window. See below.
  • Show items in store room: Select a store room and click here to open the Stock for "room name" window. See below.
  • Add stocking: Select a store room and click here to add item to this room. See below.
  • More
    • Delete: Delete the selected store room. Data is deleted permanently and cannot be recovered.
    • Export stock consumption: Download a spreadsheet detailing all items added and used from the selected store room.

Create store room

AssetsStore roomClick on a filterCreate

(Click the image to enhance)

Name: Identifies this store in the list view and when adding/selecting items on work orders.

Placement: If the store room is a part of an existing building you can select Building/floor/room here.

Main data

Visibility: This determines if this store room should be limited to a specific team or accessible to all.

If a team is selected here, that team will see it and be allowed to use items from this store room when calculating the cost of a work order.

Please note that this will override the 'Administrator for Assets' role, so creating store rooms you cannot see is possible. 

  • Click to select the teams.

Responsible: The person responsible for this store room will be displayed with name and phone number.

  • Click to select the person.

When selecting a responsible person, you have the option to choose: 

(Click the image to enhance)

  • Team: Select a person from one of the teams selected under 'Visibility'.
  • Team group: Select a person from one of the teams that belong to the same team group as the team selected under 'Visibility'.
  • Contacts: Select or create a contact person who doesn´t have access to the FM instance. To make contacts, you must be part of a user role with 'Edit building mass' under Locations. 
  • Custom: Create a contact person for this store room only, data cannot be reused elsewhere.

Show a store room (edit)

AssetsStore roomClick on a filterClick on a store roomShow store room

(Click the image to enhance)

Data within an existing store room can be modified using the same tools as in 'Create'. See above for details.

  • History: This tracks the changes to the store room data, but not the content of items.

Stock rules

Stock rules can be created once the store has been created. See stock rules under 'Add stock rules' for the options.

Changes to stock rules are immediate and cannot be undone.

Show items in store room

Each store room can be opened, and the items can be managed.

AssetsStore roomClick on a filterClick on a store roomDaluxIcon_list-bulleted.pngShow items in store room

(Click the image to enhance)

  • Show item: Select an item from the list and click here to open the 'Item' window. See create and edit items for options.
  • Restock to store room: Select an item from the list and click here to add an amount to this store room. See below.
  • Order stocking: Select an item from the list and click here to order an amount to this store room. See below.
  • More
    • Move stocking: Select an item and move an amount to another store room
    • Item history: Select an item and click here to see a history of the item amount for this store room.
    • Set inactive on store room: Select an item and mark it as inactive so that it cannot be added to work orders from this warehouse. If a stock is created for this item, you cannot make it inactive.
    • Set active on store room: Select an item and mark it as active so that it can be added to work orders from this store room.
    • Export to Excel: Export the list of items in this store room with data from the visible columns.

Restock to store room

AssetsStore roomClick on a filterClick on a store roomDaluxIcon_list-bulleted.pngShow items in store roomSelect an itemRestock to store room

If an item have already been added to the store room, you can restock it. If you need to add it the first time see: Add items to a store room.

(Click the image to enhance)

  • Purchase price: Populated by the product. Any changes will affect all items on all store rooms.
  • Sales price: Populated by the product. Any changes will affect all items on all store rooms.
  • Amount: Enter the amount to increase the inventory.
  • Order received: Tick this if the restock is part of an order, you must choose the correct order from the list view to the right. See below for order stock.
  • Amount received: Only active if "Order received" is ticked. Enter the amount received as part of an order. 

Order stocking

AssetsStore roomClick on a filterClick on a store roomShow items in store roomSelect an itemOrder stocking

(Click the image to enhance)

  • Store room: Shows the currently selected store room. Cannot be changed here.
  • Item: Displays the selected item. Cannot be changed here.
  • Purchase price: Displays the default purchase price from the item.
  • Sales price: Displays the default selling price of the item.
  • Amount: Enter the amount of the order. This is the value that will be visible when you select an order. See above.
  • Note: Enter a note for this purchase order.

Item history

AssetsStore roomClick on a filterClick on a store roomShow items in store roomSelect an itemMoreItem history

This will give you an overview of the movement of items to and from this store room.

(Click the image to enhance)

  • Added: Amount of items added via add, restock or move actions.
  • Removed: Amount of items used on a work order or moved to another store room.
  • Ordered: Amount ordered via 'Order stocking'.
  • In stock: Amount of items after Added or removed.
  • Work order number: If used by a work order the work order number is displayed here.
  • User: Name of the user who acted.
  • Date: Date of action. 

Add items to a store room

AssetsStore roomClick on a filterClick on a store roomAdd stocking

(Click the image to enhance)

  • Item: Start typing to search for items. Only active items will be visible.
  • Purchase price: Automatically populated after selecting an item.
  • Sales price: Automatically populated after selecting an item.
  • Amount: Enter the amount you wish to add to this store room.


Any manual adjustments to purchase and/or sales prices will affect the items added to all store rooms and work orders, not just this store room.

 Read more

If you want to learn more about using calculate the cost of a work order read this article: Calculate the expected costs.

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