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Create FM products on desktop

Products are not listed directly in your portfolio. Instead, they provide information about common components, like producer, warranty, documents and images.

Products should be linked to assets, to share information across them. This way you can easily have the same data on multiple identical assets but maintain a separate maintenance history for each individual asset.

Any updates made to the products will automatically update all linked assets.

Table of contents

    1. How to create products
    2. How to edit or delete a product

How to create products

 User rights

To create products, you need to be an administrator or be assigned to a user-role with permission to create and edit products. If you don't have the rights to create products but need to, contact your administrator.

The user role needs to have these settings to be able to create and edit products:

(Click the image to enhance)

To create a product, go to

AssetsProducts Create:

(Click the image to enhance)

This will open a new window where you need to enter the data for the product:

  • Main data: Product name, producer, typename, classification, discipline, and image
  • Warranty and pricing: New price, warranty in years, service life in years
  • Description: Description of the product to make it easier to identify the product

(Click the image to enhance)

Main data


When selecting a producer, you can choose from the list of companies added to the FM instance. If you type in the name of a producer that doesn't exist in the instance, you will be asked if you'd like to create a new company.

To select a producer either (1)select from the drop-down menu or (2)click on

Select a producer from the list 'Select'.

(Click the image to enhance)


The type name is the technical name of the product, which can be used for sorting and filtering the products.


Classifications are used to categorize products and assets for sorting and filtering, and to determine the properties of assets. They are usually based on a local standard such as SFB, Uniclass, or CCS. When selecting a classification, you can use the search to quickly find what you are looking for. 

To add a classification, either click on the (1)field or (2)click on

 to the left of Classification Select the classification from the list 'Select':

(Click the image to enhance)


Disciplines are used to tag products and assets to have an easier way of filtering and searching for them in the list view. You can select as disciplines as is needed.

You can add more disciplines, edit them or delete them by going to:

Settings General settingsBase data - Discipline


To add an image, click the icon, this will open the File Explorer and you can upload an image file from your computer.

Warranty and pricing

New price

In this field, you set the price of the product when bought as new from the producer. The currency will always follow the currency set for the instance by the administrator.


This field is used to display the warranty of the product in years.

Service life

This field is used to display the service life in years.

How to edit or delete a product

To edit a product, go to

Assets Products Select a product Show product

Make the changes you need to and click 'Save':

(Click the image to enhance)

To delete a product, go to

Assets Products Select a product DaluxIcon_more.pngMore Delete product:

(Click the image to enhance)

 Read more

To learn how to create assets, read these articles: Create FM assets on desktop & Create FM assets on mobile.

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