This article will cover the inspection plans feature in Dalux.
Inspection plans are a list of predefined points that need to be inspected. Supervisors usually use inspection plans to control the work of contractors and document the work as approved or rejected.
When using inspection plans, it is possible to assign task types to non-approved work. This is done to notify contractors about the task and request necessary amendments.
This article covers how to use inspection plans. If you want to read about setting up inspection plans, you can read this article: How to set up Inspection plans.
Table of contents
How to use inspection plans
Create inspection plan registrations on Dalux desktop
Everyone in the 'Creates' role of the workflow (leftmost column) that the inspection plan is associated with can use the inspection plan and make registrations.
On the desktop app, you can access inspection plans by going to:
Inspection plans
Select the inspection plan from the appropriate folder.
With the inspection plan selected, clickNew and then select which inspection point you wish to add a new registration to.
Alternatively, a -icon will appear when hovering over an inspection point.
You can also click an inspection point to open the point, and then click New in the popup window.
(Click the image to enhance)
When you select a point a pop-up window will appear. In this window you can select:
OK /
Not OK.
- Location of the registration.
- Multiple inspection points within the same heading.
- See the inspection point info (using the
- Add attachment - for adding images or documents.
- Comments - a text field for any potential comment needed.
Click 'Save' at the bottom to save your work.
(Click the image to enhance)
If you select Not OK and a task type has been associated with the inspection plan, the view will automatically change to a task creation view.
The responsible is automatically picked based on the workflow structure (this can be changed)
The subject of the task will be named after the number and name from the inspection point (this can be changed)
You have the option to either save the task as a draft or send it immediately.
(Click the image to enhance)
It is also possible to create inspection plan registrations in the Locations module.
This is done by selecting a point on a drawing and clickingNew. Then select
Inspection plans from the pop-up window.
The list of available inspection plans will be shown, and you can click to open them and select an inspection point.
(Click the image to enhance)
View inspection plan registrations on Dalux desktop
You can view your completed inspection plans in several ways.
Filled-out inspection plans can be found in Field
Inspection plans.
From here the inspection plans are organized in folders according to work packages. Open a folder and select the inspection plan.
You can switch between the:
Inspection plan - Here you can see the inspection plan and the status of checks in the 'Finished' column. This will show how many inspections are ongoing or completed.
Extent overview - This will open a matrix showing the extent of checks. This view works best if you have planned extents in zones.
Registrations - This will show a list view of all checks done in a list view, where you can customize the columns and use filters.
In each view, a point can be opened by double-clicking on it.
(Click the image to enhance)
Completed checks will show as green and planned checks will show as grey.
The progress wheel will show the progress and will be automatically updated according to the planned extent.
Create inspection plan registrations on Dalux mobile
On Dalux Mobile, select 'Inspection plans' from the Home screen. Then select the appropriate inspection plan. Then select an inspection point.
A new registration can be created using the -icon in the top menu.
(Click the image to enhance)
By default, an inspection point is marked as OK.
More inspection points can be added or removed. Select a location, upload documents/take photos, and add a comment if needed. When the data has been filled in, press 'Save' in the top menu to save the registration.
When using inspection plans, you can mark an inspection point as Not OK. If a task type is associated with the inspection plan, the interface will automatically change allowing you to make a new task.
(Click the image to enhance)
It is also possible to create inspection plan registrations through Locations. Navigate to your location and press on the drawing or in 3D. Then press
New registration
'Inspection plans'
Select the appropriate inspection plan
Select an inspection point.
(Click the image to enhance)
Read More
If you want to learn more about using test plans, you can read this article: How to use Test plans.