This article covers using filters and colors in Locations to visualize various data.
Filters use properties from the BIM model and are automatically updated as the model is revised.
We cover these features in the article:
- Filters (personal and group filters)
- Colorize
- View objects
Table of contents
User rights
All users have access to Locations and can create and save filters.
Project administrators and project planning managers can create filters for everyone in the project or specific work packages.
Group admins can save filters for everyone in their user group.
Colorize and
View objects are only available if your project uses Box Pro or Field Pro.
How to use filters
Filters are only available for the BIM model and not drawings. You can use the View objects to create filters on 2D drawings, this is covered in detail below.
All users can create personal filters and group admins can create group filters.
Start by going to Locations and open a BIM model in one of the 3D views. All filters you have access to can be found under
Filter in the toolbar.
(Click the image to enhance)
There are multiple ways to create filters when viewing the BIM model.
- Create a filter using the
Filter button
- Create a filter by clicking an object in the model
When you click Filter you can free text search, add a specific filter, or create an advanced filter. The file and category parameters are always available in quick access.
In this example, we create a filter for the door category. When you select a parameter for the filter, the 3D view changes to reflect your filter.
(Click the image to enhance)
You can filter your results even more by adding multiple parameters to the same filter. You can do this by clicking Add filter and selecting different parameters. The available parameters depend on your BIM model.
(Click the image to enhance)
You can also quickly make a filter, by selecting an object in the model. This will show the properties of the object. Hover your mouse over a property and click to filter for the property. You can do this for multiple properties.
(Click the image to enhance)
When you are done with your filter, you can click Save to save the filter for later. If you are a group admin in your user group, you can save filters, so they are visible to everyone in your user group.
(Click the image to enhance)
If you are a project administrator or project planning manager, you can save it for everyone in the project or to specific work packages.
Saved filters are shown in Filter in the Saved filters area.
(Click the image to enhance)
How to use colorize
Colorize lets you quickly color-code the BIM model based on a specific property. You cannot manually select which colors to use, as Dalux automatically assigns colors.
(Click the image to enhance)
You can combine Colorize with
Filter to create a color-coded visualization of just the elements that you need.
(Click the image to enhance)
When you are done with your filter, you can click Save to save the filter for later. If colorize is enabled when saving the filter, it will automatically activate when the filter is loaded again.
View objects on drawings
You can see color-coded model objects on the building drawings.
View objects require a BIM model in the project. You can view the objects on either the auto-cut or drawings that have been mapped to 3D.
Start by going to Locations and opening a
Drawing. Then click on
View objects in the toolbar.
This feature functions like 3D filters. From the menu, you can select a property to filter, which will then be displayed on the drawing.
You can load any saved filters (also filters made in 3D) from this menu.
(Click the image to enhance)
When a property has been selected, the color coding will be shown on the right. At the top of this menu, you can change which parameter the color coding should use.
(Click the image to enhance)
When you are done with your filter, you can click Save to save the filter for later.
(Click the image to enhance)
Read more
If you want to learn more about using bookmarks, read this article: 2D and 3D bookmarks in Locations.