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Quantities in InfraField: How to use

This article covers how to use the Quantities feature of Dalux InfraField to summarize the properties of objects and measure the differences between surfaces and/or alignments.

 Technical information

You must be using the Dalux Desktop application to use this feature.

Read this article to learn how to download it: Desktop application.


There are 3 main ways to create quantities in InfraField.

  1. You can create filters based on objects and extract quantities from properties.
  2. You can compare the volume of two terrain surfaces and calculate the difference in volume.
  3. Compare a surface to an alignment and calculate the difference in meters.

Table of contents

    1. Objects
    2. Terrains
    3. Surfaces
    4. Volumes
    5. Alignments


You can filter BIM data within a specific structure or area, using object properties to generate quantities that can then be exported to spreadsheets or saved as filters.

(Click the image to enhance)

Area selector: Select the structure or area you want to view.

Click to save this as a filter or export data to a spreadsheet.

Read more about filtering for data and creating filters here: How to use Quantities.


The terrain quantities feature of InfraField will compare two surfaces and calculate the difference between them in volume. Navigate to:

InfraField Quantities Terrain

(Click the image to enhance)

  • Surface: This is the area where you define the surfaces you would like to use for volume calculations and alignments.
  • Volume: This is the area where you select the surfaces and calculate the difference.


(Click the image to enhance)

ClickCreate to create a new surface
When creating a new surface, you select the surfaces in the model view. Hold down the shift button to select multiple surfaces. When done selecting, click 'Continue' and type in a name before clicking OK.

(Click the image to enhance)

Rename: Rename the selected surface.

Delete: Delete the selected surface. Data is permanently deleted and cannot be retrieved.


(Click the image to enhance)

  • Area selector: Select the area you want to display
  • Create: Create a new row of volume calculation. (See below)
  • Edit: Edit the selected volume calculation. Calculations will update automatically after you save your work.
  • Delete: Delete the selected volume calculation. Data is permanently deleted and cannot be retrieved.
  • DaluxIcon_more.pngClick on the 3 dots to export data to a spreadsheet.

Each line of the volume calculation consists of the following information:

  • Name: Specifies the name of the calculation.
  • Reference: Reference surface used in the calculation.
  • Comparison: Comparison surface used in the calculation (empty if terrain is selected).
  • Elevation: Elevation used in the calculation (empty if terrain is selected).
  • Cut: Volume to be removed from the reference surface.
  • Fill: Volume to be added to the reference surface.
  • Net: Total volume removed after accounting for the fill.

Create new volume

(Click the image to enhance)

Type: Select how you want the volumes to be calculated

  • Compare surfaces: Select two surfaces to use for the calculation.
  • To Elevation: Select a surface and an elevation to use for the calculation.

Reference Surface: Select the surface that will be the reference surface.

  • Cut will indicate how much to remove from the reference surface.
  • Fill will indicate how much you need to add to the reference surface.

Comparison Surface: Select the surface to use for the calculation.

Elevation: Enter the elevation to be used for the calculation.

Name: This will be used to identify this surface for terrain and alignment quantities, so keep it short.


The Alignments tab compares a surface to an alignment and displays the height difference along the alignment. Differences are color-coded:

  • Orange: Alignment is lower than the surface.
  • Green: Alignment is higher than the surface.

(Click the image to enhance)

Move the mouse along the alignment below to see the difference and to highlight the station increments on the map. Use the middle mouse button to zoom in or out. The zoomed area will be marked with a darker color on the map.

Create: Create a new profile (See below).

Selector: Select the currently created profiles, they are displayed with "alignment" X "surface".

Edit: Edit the selected profile (see create below).

Delete: Delete the selected profile. Data is permanently deleted and cannot be retrieved.

Create new profile

(Click the image to enhance)

Alignment: Select an alignment.

Surface: Select a surface (see Surfaces)

Station increments: does not affect the profile, it is a placeholder for future development.

Width: does not affect the profile, it is a placeholder for future development.

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