This article will explain how to set up the checklist function in Dalux. We will cover how to activate the feature, how to create checklist templates, and how to delete and recover checklists.
Checklists are a list of predefined points and can be used for various controls and checks for your project.
Checklists can be used independently or incorporated into test plans and inspection plans.
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Before you begin using checklists in Dalux, make sure you have already set up User groups and Work packages and workflows. It is possible to create checklist templates without any further setup, but they cannot be assigned to workflows or work packages.
You can find additional information about the visibility of checklists in this article: Checklist work package associations.
Table of contents
How to set up checklists
User rights
Activation and setup for 'Checklists' needs to be done by a project administrator or Field administrator.
Checklists might need to be activated on your project if they are not already.
Activating checklists
To activate checklists, go to
Add features
This will activate the feature and you can start setting it up. If checklists are already activated, a feature card will be visible in Settings
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How to create checklist templates
Checklist templates can be found in
'Checklist templates'.
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Checklist templates define the content of checklists and who can use them (association).
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There are multiple ways to create checklist templates:
- You can either manually create a new template or use a spreadsheet template
- Copy from another project
- Copy from the company profile
- Create from a valid PDF document (Only text fields are supported)
When you create a new checklist template, you need to give the checklist a name and a prefix. You can also assign it to work packages and/or workflows and set whether the checklist is active or not.
The name is the checklist type, and the prefix is used to categorize the checklist. Each checklist created will be marked with a prefix and a unique number. For instance, if the prefix 'NVD' is used, the first checklist will be marked as NVD1, the second as NVD2, and so on.
It is important to keep this prefix short because it is also used on drawings, and a long prefix will clutter the view when printing the data.
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Checklist templates are created using the different template data fields. You can read more about each field in this article: Template data fields for Tasks and Checklists.
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When hovering over a data field in the checklist you can click the -icon and will have the following options:
- Edit - Open and edit the data field, such as changing name, requirement, values, etc.
- Duplicate - This creates a duplicate of the data field, which can be used to speed up the creation of similar data fields.
- Add condition - Available for lists, multiple choice, and red/yellow/green data fields. Here you can create a condition for specific values. For instance, if a user picks 'Not OK' in a list, an additional data field can be displayed:
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- Remove - Deletes the data field. This action cannot be undone (after you save the template).
If you prefer to create your checklist template in spreadsheet software (such as Excel), the template can be exported and imported in this way. To do so, click on the 'Checklist template' and then either 'Import template' or 'Export template'. When you import a checklist template it will not overwrite the existing content in the checklist template only add the imported items.
Tips and Tricks
For Dalux to properly import from Excel, it is important that the formatting is done correctly. If you are unsure, try making some headings, subheadings, and data fields in Dalux and then export them to Excel, to get an idea of the formatting.
Checklists work package association
To make sure, that the correct checklists can be seen by different users on the project, they will need to be associated with work packages and/or workflows. If a checklist is associated with one workflow, only users in the creator role within that workflow can create the checklist.
A checklist can be associated with many different work packages and/or workflows.
If a checklist is not associated with a work package or workflow, it is considered a public checklist that can be accessed by any user with access to the Field module and is in a creator role.
This is covered in detail in this article: Checklist work package associations.
Creating checklist templates from PDF
It is possible to import a PDF that can be used as a checklist in Dalux. However, there are limitations to this. The editable fields in the PDF must be "Form fields" and only "text fields" are supported.
Creation from PDF is done in
'Checklist templates'
'Create from PDF'.
An upload window will open, and the PDF checklist can be uploaded from your computer. If a valid PDF checklist is uploaded, you will be asked to type in a name and prefix - same as when creating a new checklist template.
Form fields will show with a blue color. These can be clicked and mapped to Dalux metadata values, or custom list values.
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The different text form fields can be mapped to list values. This is done by clicking on one of them, then under 'Values' selecting or creating a list of values.
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Auto task creation
When using the list data field, it is possible to set up automatic task creation, based on a certain value in the list. If this is activated, a new task of the selected type will be automatically created when selecting a certain value from the list. Only one task type can be selected per list value.
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If auto task creation is active for a data field, a -icon will show in the template.
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For auto task creation to work, it requires that the user has permission to use that task template.
It is not required to create a task, and users can close the pop-up without saving the task.
A task created this way, will automatically inherit the location data from the checklist. Tasks can be created for any point in a checklist, but auto task creation speeds up the process.
Link a checklist to zones or rooms
When creating a checklist template, the location type can be changed. This is done by clicking on the location data field in the checklist template.
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You can choose between:
- Position - a specific point in a location.
- Zones (or Zone layer) - linked to the zone, rather than a specific point.
- Room - linked to a room, rather than the specific point (rooms are imported via a BIM model).
When choosing zones or rooms, it is possible to use the Locations module to get an overview of where checklists have been conducted.
When you are in Locations, choose a specific checklist to change the view.
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Zones or rooms will be designated with either:
- Grey - no checklist has been created in the zone or room.
- Orange - an open checklist has been created in the zone or room.
- Green - a closed checklist in the zone or room.
- Red - two or more checklists with the same template have been created in the zone or room.
Delete and recover checklists
Checklists can only be deleted by project administrators or Field administrators. This is done by selecting one or more checklists in
All checklists
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Deleted checklists can be found in Settings
'Deleted checklists'.
From here deleted checklists can be viewed or recovered.
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Read more
If you're interested in learning more about how to use checklists, you can read this article: How to use Checklists.