Articles in this section

Invite and manage users in Dalux FM

This article will show you how to invite and manage users, deactivate users, and send emails to them as a Dalux FM administrator.

Table of contents

  1. Video
  2. Overview of users
  3. How to invite users
  4. Deactivate users
  5. Send emails to users


Overview of users

To get an overview of the users in the Dalux FM instance, go to:

Settings Users User Administration: 'Users'.

Here you will be presented with a list of the users currently in the instance and data on them, as well as a list of deactivated users:

(Click the image to enhance)

From this window, most user administration is done and you can find information on the users in the instance. Data can easily be seen in the columns, such as when they were created, the user's organization, user role, etc.

It is also possible to filter this information by using Add filter and change the view by adding or removing columns using the in the top right corner:

(Click the image to enhance)

How to invite users

User rights

To invite and manage users you need to be either an administrator or have a user role with 'User administration' rights.

To invite users to the Dalux FM instance, you need to create them in the instance. To do so, go to:

Settings Users User Administration: 'Users'Create Type in the email 'Select' Type in the user information 'Create':

(Click the image to enhance)

You cannot type in a name for the user if they are already created as a user in Dalux.

When filling in the information, you need to assign the user to at least one user role, unless they are set as an administrator.

When a user has been created, they will receive an email in their inbox where they can activate their user. You can read more about logging into Dalux FM here: Creating a profile and logging in to Dalux FM.

Deactivate Users

Deactivating a user in Dalux FM will effectively remove them from the Dalux FM instance, by removing their access to it.

To deactivate a user, select the user and click on Deactivate:

(Click the image to enhance)

Technical information

Deactivating a user in a Dalux FM instance will not delete the user, as their account might be used in other Dalux projects. It will only remove their access to the instance they were deactivated in.

Send emails to users

To send emails to users, select the user and click Send e-mails:

(Click the image to enhance)

Tips and tricks

To send emails to several users, you can either use the Ctrl or Shift keyboard keys while selecting your users to select multiple users. You can click 'Select users' in the Send e-mails window, to select more users to send the mail to.

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