This article covers the setup of classifications and proprieties used for assets in FM.
Classifications determine the properties of assets and are usually based on a local standard such as SFB, Uniclass, or CCS.
Properties are associated with classifications and are typically created to identify or hold information about specific asset types in the FM organization.
For example, lighting fixtures may have the custom property field 'voltage', but sewer pipes may have 'diameter'.
Table of contents
How to set up classifications
User rights
FM administrators or users with administration permissions for assets in their user role can set up classifications and properties.
FM already has classifications set up in new instances. This will vary depending on which language your FM instance has been set up in. You can use the predefined classifications or import your own classifications.
To get an overview of classifications, go to:
(Click the image to enhance)
All classification setup is done in this window.
Add: Create a new classification or folder
Edit: Edit an existing classification, such as name or type
Delete: Remove a classification. This action cannot be undone.
Settings: Change if a classification should show product/warranty and set a default discipline
More: Export data to or import data from a spreadsheet (see below)
You can use the Search to find a specific classification.
On the right side of the window, you will see custom properties, which can be toggled on and off for specific classifications. This is covered in detail below.
Creating classifications
To create a new classification in FM, click Add and a new window will open.
If you click Add while having a classification or folder selected in the list, the new classification will inherit the location in the folder structure. You can change this while creating the classification.
When adding classifications, you should ensure the naming and code match the system used in your facility management.
(Click the image to enhance)
- Name: The name shown, such as "Lighting fixtures" or "Exterior entrance doors"
- Code: A code for the asset. This will depend on which system you use. You cannot create new classifications with an already existing code.
- Type: You can select whether the classification is a folder or not. Folders cannot be selected for assets and are used for categorizing classifications
- Color: You can set a color for classifications. This changes the color coding for assets using this classification when viewing them on the map/drawings.
Location: Determines the location in the classification folder structure. Click
to open a window and select a folder for the classification.
- Synonyms: You can add multiple synonyms separated by commas. These are used when searching for classifications. You could, for instance, add "lamp" as a synonym for "lighting fixtures".
- Definition: A definition can be added for more information. The definition is shown when selecting the classification on assets, which can help ensure the correct classification is selected.
When you are done filling out the classification, click on 'OK'.
Remember to click 'Save' in the classification window as well.
Importing classifications
If you need to create many classifications, consider using the import feature. The options are in the More menu.
You can use Import and
Export to edit the existing classifications.
You can Create data and
Get template to create new classifications.
You cannot create new classifications with an already existing code.
You cannot add additional columns.
When importing with spreadsheets, you will see an overview of changes. In the example below, only the row marked with will be imported, and the change named can be seen in the name column.
(Click the image to enhance)
How to set up properties
Properties are user-defined, and no properties will be set up beforehand. You can control if properties should be available on all classifications or only specific ones.
To get an overview of properties, go to:
(Click the image to enhance)
All properties setup is done in this window.
Add: Create a new property
Edit: Edit an existing property
Remove: Remove a property. This action cannot be undone.
Move up: Moves the property up in the list
Move down: Moves the property down in the list
You can use the Search to find specific properties.
The classifications are on the right side of the window, and you can select which classifications should have the selected property.
Properties are set up like other custom user fields in FM. You can read more about how to create these in this article: Create custom user fields.
Connecting properties to classification
With classifications and properties set up, you start connecting them to each other. You can always create more properties or classifications as needed.
Adding properties to classifications is done in Settings
You can control if each property should be available in all classifications or only in certain ones. By default, properties are available on all classifications.
Select your property from the list on the left. Then, either search for the classification or find it in the list. You can then use the checkbox to toggle the property on or off.
The property will not be visible on any assets if no classification is selected.
(Click the image to enhance)
Activated properties on classifications will be shown at the bottom of all assets using that classification.
(Click the image to enhance)
Read more
If you want to learn more about creating assets, read these articles: