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Set up teams for operations and maintenance

This article covers setting up and using teams in Dalux FM operation and maintenance.

Teams are used to manage users and control what is visible within Dalux FM. 

You can create multiple teams and organize them into groups for an easy overview of roles and responsibilities. It is possible to set permissions and control visibility within teams and groups.

 Read more

If you only have the HelpDesk module, please refer to this article: Set up teams for HelpDesk.

Table of contents

  1. How to create and manage teams
  2. How to create and manage groups
  3. How to add users to teams

How to create and manage teams

User rights

Teams can be created and managed by Dalux FM administrators or users with work order administrator rights in their user role. You can read more about user roles in this article: User roles and regions.

Teams can be created and managed from:

Settings Operations and maintenance  'Teams'.

It is recommended to create teams based on the different types of work orders for your facilities.

For instance, you can create a team for electrical-related work orders. All work orders relating to electrical work can then be assigned to the electrician team.

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To create a new team, click on the -icon under a existing group.

When creating a new team, you must at least enter a name and select which group the team should be placed in. You can also enter a description.

When creating a team, you can specify which work order or checklist templates the team should have access to. This determines the templates the team can use when creating work orders. However, the team can still be assigned to all work order templates.

You can add team members when creating the team by clicking Add. This is covered in detail below.

When done click on 'Create'.

(Click the image to enhance)

To edit a team, click on the team and the window will open again, where the information can be edited. To delete a team, click the -icon when hovering over a team. Deleting a team cannot be undone. Note that you cannot delete a team if it has been assigned to HelpDesk topics. You will need to reassign topics to another team first.

How to create and manage groups

You can organize teams into groups to provide an overview of your different teams. Groups can also control the visibility of the teams. You have the option to restrict the visibility of a group and the teams within it to only those in the group.

Groups are created and managed in:

Settings Operations and maintenance  'Teams'.

To add a new group, click Add team group.

When creating a team you can set the visibility to:

  • Everyone - Teams in the group are visible to everyone
  • Limited - Teams in the group are only visible to members of its teams or administrators

Limited visibility is mainly used when creating tickets where you do not want teams to be able to assign tickets across groups. It can also be used if you have many teams and want to limit the number of visible teams for different groups or privacy reasons.

(Click the image to enhance)

 Tips and tricks

You can drag and drop teams from one group to another to quickly organize your teams.

Groups can be managed by hovering over the name and clicking either the -icon to edit the group or the -icon to delete the group. Note that you can only delete empty groups, so teams will have to be moved or deleted first.

(Click the image to enhance)

How to add users to teams

Users can be added to teams either directly if they are already part of the Dalux FM instance, or by being invited to the instance as part of being added to teams.

To add users to a team, open a team by clicking on it, and then clicking Add in the 'Team members' section.

Existing users can be added by typing in their name or email. If you want to create a new user, you can do so from here by clicking 'Create new'.

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When adding a user to a team, you can set whether the team is a primary team for that user. If this is toggled on, work orders for the team will appear in both 'My inbox' and 'Team inbox'.

If it is toggled off, tickets are still visible but will be shown in the 'Other teams' tickets' inbox.

If you check the Notification box, an email will be sent to the user when changes are made to work orders, such as status changes or new assignees.

Permissions can also be set to the following option:

  • Full - This makes it possible to select the user as responsible for the work orders within the team
  • Limited - The user can not be set as responsible but can see and edit the work orders for the team
  • Observer - The user can not be set as responsible and can only see the work orders for the team

The permissions for a team member are only to control permissions within the team. If a user in a team needs to have either view or edit access to work orders, these permissions will need to be a part of their user role. You can read more about user roles in this article: User roles and regions.

To change settings for a team member, open the team, select the team member you wish to edit, and click Edit. Team members can also be removed from a team by selecting them and clicking Remove.

 Tips and tricks

To get an overview of teams, click on the search bar to switch to a list view.

(Click the image to enhance)

Read more

To learn more about how to use and manage work orders in Dalux FM, you can read this article: How to create work orders on desktop.

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