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How to set up Comments

In this article, we will show you how to set up comments and communication channels in Box. This feature is used to enable users to communicate with other project participants directly inside your Dalux project. You can use comments on drawings, multi-page PDF files, and on your BIM model.

You can read more about using comments in this article: How to use Comments.


Communication channels and comment types are only available in Box Pro.

In Box Standard, you can use a predefined comment type and give users access via user groups. Comments in Box Standard can be created and viewed by all user groups with access to comments.

Table of contents

  1. How to activate comments
  2. How to set up comments
  3. How to set up communication channels

How to activate comments

In newly created projects, comments are already activated. If they are not activated, tick the box in

Settings Box 'Comments and review packages''Comments'.

(Click the image to enhance)

How to set up comments

You can create multiple comment types, each with its unique layout.

Create a new comment type

To create a new comment type, go to

Settings Box 'Comment types'Add

(Click the image to enhance)

Then choose a name for your comment type. A comment will contain a default set of pre-defined data fields, but more can be added.

You can set new data fields as 'required' or 'not required' and can choose out of the following options:

  • Text: Open text input
  • List: Single choice selection of pre-defined list
  • List (multiple choice): Multiple choice selection of pre-defined list
  • Decimal number: Decimal numbers with a decimal point (or comma, depending on personal language setting)
  • Integer number: Positive and negative whole numbers

Edit status values

A comment status has a color code attached to it. These colors will be displayed in the list view for a quick overview and used as the color of 2D markups.

Add more status values if required, by clicking on Status:

(Click the image to enhance)


Statuses in the 'Closed' section are normally hidden on drawings but can be displayed again if desired.

How to set up communication channels

Communication channels enable project participants to use the comment feature in Dalux. They control which group can create which comments.

Create a new communication channel

To create a new communication channel, go to:

Settings Box 'Communication channels'Add

Specify the name of your channel and the types of comments participants should use. You can adjust these settings later if needed.

After creating the channel, you can add user groups who can communicate via connected comments by clicking the .

(Click the image to enhance)

Edit allows you to change the name of a channel and linked comment types as well as delete the channel if desired. Deleting a communication channel is only possible if all comments in this channel are closed.

(Click the image to enhance)

Set up user rights

For each user group, you can set rights for creating, editing, and closing comments. Select the user group in the communication channel and use the toggles to adjust the rights as desired.

(Click the image to enhance)


Keep in mind, that participants with 'View' rights in a communication channel, can see all comments that are sent in this channel, even if they are not explicitly set as responsible or added to 'Notify'.

Similarly, participants with 'Edit' rights in a communication channel can edit all comments regardless of who is set as responsible.

 Read more

If you want to learn more about using comments, you can read this article: How to use Comments.

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