This article will cover how to upload, manage and, view 'Point Clouds' uploaded to Dalux.
Point clouds are a dataset of points that contain geometric coordinates, color values, and brightness. They are usually generated by LIDAR scanners, that scan an area and collect the data points. The data points are then transformed into 3D images in the form of a point cloud.
Point clouds in Dalux can be used in several ways. The most common use is monitoring the construction process for quality control or as-built comparisons.
Technical information
In most cases the recommended file format for optimal use is .laz, but other file formats will work just fine with Dalux. We recommend, that if possible, following the preferred file formats below from left to right.
.laz .las
The max file size is 8GB.
.pts and .xyz files vary in their specification so the correct interpretation cannot be guaranteed. In case this is the only type of format available, a service like Pointzip can be used to convert files to .laz.
Dalux does not support .rcp files.
Table of contents
How to set up point clouds
User rights
Project administrators, project planning managers, and user groups with 'Edit' permissions for Locations can manage point clouds.
To upload point clouds, go to Settings
Point clouds
(Click the image to enhance)
When creating a new point cloud in Dalux, it needs to be named. One or more point cloud files can be uploaded at the same time. When the point clouds are uploaded, Dalux will process the files before they can be used.
If the point cloud is for any of the buildings in the project, they can be selected here:
(Click the image to enhance)
Individual files can be added or removed to the point cloud, by selecting the point cloud and clicking Edit.
The entire point cloud can be deleted by selecting it, clicking More and then
Delete point cloud.
If you have point clouds from different dates, create a new point cloud and follow the same process.
When the point cloud has been uploaded and processed, it can be viewed by clicking on the point cloud in the list view, and then clicking Show in the top menu.
Technical information
How to download point clouds from Dalux
If you wish to download point cloud data from Dalux go to:
Point clouds
Select a point cloud from the list view
This will open the point cloud and each file can be downloaded, by clicking the -icon.
(Click the image to enhance)
How to use point clouds with Locations
If the point clouds and a 3D model are aligned, the point cloud can be shown together with the 3D model. Point clouds can be viewed from Locations.
Go to Locations and select the building associated with the point cloud.
Point clouds are accessed from the 3D. Click 3D
Point clouds. You can then select which point cloud to view.
(Click the image to enhance)
The point cloud is shown alongside the 3D model, and navigation in 3D works as it normally does in Dalux.
(Click the image to enhance)
In the example below, a filter hides the 3D geometry, making the point cloud more visible.
(Click the image to enhance)
When using the browser version of Dalux, the option to change the size of points using the 'Point Size' slider is available. Reduce the detail level by setting a higher value to speed up the display. For a higher detail level set the point size lower.
(Click the image to enhance)