This article will show how to make cuts and measurements using the Locations module.
Table of contents
How to make cuts
Horizontal or vertical cuts
To cut in a model, go to Locations, and choose the building. Click on an element of the model, that will be your starting point for the cut. Then click the
If you click on a horizontal element, your model will be cut horizontally. If you click on a vertical element, your model will be cut vertically.
(Click the image to enhance)
To remove the cut, click Remove cut.
Tips and tricks
You can also use CTRL+ the scroll wheel to move the cut up or down.
You can create several cuts at the same time.
Box cut
If you want to cut in multiple directions at once, you can use a box.
To do so, click on an element, and click under the
Cut. Then select 'Box cut'.
This creates a box cut that can be adjusted using the different directional arrows. To remove the cut, click Remove cut.
(Click the image to enhance)
Ignore cuts
You can ignore a cut for a model file or a specific category to get more context for these elements. To do this, after you used a Cut, select an element and click on either 'Ignore category' or 'Ignore file' to exclude them from the cut and isolate the elements.
- Ignore category: excludes all elements from this category from the cut
- Ignore file: excludes all elements from the file of the selected object from the cut
The shown example ignores the file of the MEP model from the cut:
(Click the image to enhance)
This works for all cut methods mentioned above.
How to make measurements in 3D
Tips and tricks
To speed up your workflow, try using these shortcuts:
- The space bar sets the view perpendicular for 2D cuts
- Ctrl+Z to undo the latest measurement
- 'Enter' to activate the most recently used measure tool
- 'Esc' to exit the measure mode
- Click the arrows on a measurement to alter the measurement
Point to point
The point to point measure allows you to measure between two points.
Go to Locations and find the element you want to measure
'Point to point'.
(Click the image to enhance)
You can make as many measurements as you wish by clicking 'Point to point' again.
To remove a measurement, hold your mouse over the measurement, and click .
(Click the image to enhance)
Tips and tricks
You can change your measurement from a locked perpendicular direction to free form, by holding down Shift while measuring.
3-axis laser
The 3-axis laser tool creates measurements in three directions originating from the same point. It works similarly to having a laser measurement tool on the construction site.
Go to Locations and find the element you want to measure
'3-axis laser'.
Then click somewhere in your model, to place the laser. You can move the laser around, by clicking and dragging it.
Multiple lasers can be added by clicking '3-axis laser' again.
(Click the image to enhance)
Tips and tricks
You can use the arrows at the end of the measurement to move expand or retract the laser to the next surface.
When using a point to point or 3-axis laser to measure round objects, the measurements will be taken from the center of the object.
(Click the image to enhance)
Position marker
You can get the precise position of your model by using the position marker measurement
Click Measure
'Position marker'
Click somewhere in your model, to place the marker.
(Click the image to enhance)
You can copy the position coordinates by clicking or remove it with
(Click the image to enhance)
How to make measurements in 2D
Tips and tricks
If your drawing does not have a scale, you can set a temporary scale for the drawing.
(Click the image to enhance)
Point to point
The point to point measure allows you to measure the distance between two points.
Go to Locations and find the element you want to measure
'Point to point'.
Select two points you want to get the distance between by clicking on the drawing. In addition to the distance, you also get the angle to a horizontal baseline.
When selecting points, a snapping feature helps you to accurately find corners in your drawing. It also helps you in finding 90° angles for straight surfaces like walls and doors.
(Click the image to enhance)
This feature will calculate both the area as well as the perimeter of a polygon. Click and drag on your drawing to create a rectangular shape.
Alternatively, click to create individual points on the drawings that will be connected. Once you are done, select your starting point again to calculate the area.
(Click the image to enhance)
With the laser feature, you can select any point on your drawing and Dalux will find the nearest distances to surrounding surfaces.
After measuring, click and drag at the center to move the position of the measurement.
Click on an arrow of one of the measurement endpoints to change the measurement to the next line.
(Click the image to enhance)