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Zones and zone layers

This article will cover how to set up zones and zone layers in your project. Zones allow for easier differentiation between locations in the project. They are used by other features of Dalux, like inspection plans, test plans, Activities, and Apartments. You can also attach documents to zones.

Table of contents

  1. How to create zones
  2. How to edit zones
  3. How to create zone layers
  4. How to add properties to zones

How to create zones

To set up zones in your project, go to Settings Locations 'Zones':

(Click the image to enhance)

This will open up a new window where you can add, delete, and edit your zones.

To start creating zones, first, select a building and drawing. Then click Add. You can then draw the zone.

When drawing the zone, you have two options:

Click and hold: When you click and hold, you can drag the mouse to create a rectangle.

(Click the image to enhance)

Click: Click to set the corners of the area. Dalux will automatically create the edges of the area based on these points. Add as many corners as needed to outline the desired area. Click on the starting point to close the area.

(Click the image to enhance)

When the zone has been drawn, give the zone a name and click 'OK'.

How to Edit Zones

Once a zone has been created, you can edit it in the following ways, after you select it from the list view.

Move: To move the entire zone, simply hover over the area until the cursor changes to a four-directional arrow. Then, click and hold the mouse button to move the zone.

Edit/Remove Corners: To edit or remove a corner, hover over a green corner until it turns yellow. Then, click and hold to move the corner. If you align the corner with two other corners to form a straight line, the cursor turns red. Release the mouse button to remove the corner.

Create a Corner: To add a corner, simply hover your mouse over a straight line until it changes to an up/down arrow. Click and hold the mouse button to create a new corner, and release the button to complete the process.

(Click the image to enhance)

Please note, that changing the zone affects ALL existing registrations added to the building, not just new registrations.

When a zone is selected, the toolbar at the top allows the following options.

(Click the image to enhance)

  • Add: To create a new zone, start by drawing it in the view on the right.
  • Delete: Delete the selected zone. Zones are permanently deleted when you click 'Save'.
  • Edit: Change the name and properties of the selected zone. If the zone name is used in multiple zones, a popup will ask if the changes should apply to all zones or only to the selected one.
  • Copy: Copy the zone to the clipboard.
  • Paste: Paste the copied zone to a new location.
  • Rotate: Tools for rotating and mirroring the zone.
  • Undo: Undo the actions taken since the last save.
  • Redo: Redo the actions undone since the last save.
  • Bring forward: Move the zone one step forward. The most forward zone will be the only zone associated with registrations from this zone layer. The drop-down list allows you to place the zone in front of all others.
  • Send backward: The drop-down allows you to place the zone behind all others.

Tips and tricks

To copy and paste a zone, you can also use the keyboard shortcuts of your operating system:

  • Windows: Ctrl + C / Ctrl + V
  • macOS: Cmd + C / Cmd + V

To undo your recent action, use Ctrl + Z or CMD + Z.

How to create zone layers

You can create zone layers to organize your zones.

The project can include up to 10 zone layers.

To enable multiple zone layers, go to

Settings Locations 'Zones'.

In the new window click More 'Enable multiple zone layers':

(Click the image to enhance)

When multiple zone layers have been enabled, the zone editing window will change to show the different zone layers. From here you can add new zone layers by clicking Add:

(Click the image to enhance)

Double-click on the name of the zone layer or click Edit. Zones drawn here will be added to the zone layer.

(Click the image to enhance)

You can create zones in the same way as when creating zones without layers.

(Click the image to enhance)

Tips and tricks

When zones overlap in one layer, only the information from the top zone (most forward) will be saved in metadata. To save data from more zones, several layers are then needed.

How to add properties to zones

When creating or editing zones, you can add properties to the zones for easy access to additional information.

To add properties, draw a new zone or double-click on the zone name in the list to open it. You can then add or paste from a 2-column spreadsheet to add properties.

(Click the image to enhance)

 Read more

To learn more about zones in infrastructure projects, you can read this article: Zones in InfraField: How to set up.

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