Build Release Notes 2022.5

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Release video

General update






Release video


General update

New "My personal settings"

We have combined personal- and company settings into a single dialog. 

When you clicking on your name you will now only have one combined button for settings.



Improved User Interface

The User Interface for list views have had a little makeover across all of our modules.

We have moved the search bar to the left and added a title that shows what you are looking at. 


The grouping and filter bar have a new look. 


The list and chart have been moved to the right.


Improvements for analytics

First improvement is when using our "drill down" function to dig into your data when working with our graphs. It will now be possible to go back and forth between the graphs.

Second improvement is when clicking on the graph to show data from a selected area, you are now able to click on "Show data" to see the selected data in a list view


From here you can again filter the data

Third and last improvement is when working with our bar charts where it is now possible to choose a subgroup


This will then color the bars accordingly.



New Satellite view

A new satellite map provider was included in this release to replace the existing one. The new map provider is Mapbox. This new satellite view has updated information and better image quality worldwide.


Lines in 3D

This release brings along support for 3D lines. Now it will be possible to upload any .dwg or .dgn file containing lines as 3D models into Dalux.

Even though you can upload these files from either the browser or the desktop version of Dalux, you will get a better view and full functionality of 3D lines by using the Dalux desktop app.


The models will be available from Locations, in the specific "building" or "area" that it was attached to and will work as normal BIM objects. 3D lines can be selected in the viewer in order to get access to all the properties in them.


Center lines and Cross Sections

Infrastructure projects will now have the possibility to handle "Center lines" in Dalux. The supported format for center lines or alignments files is .landXML.

In order to add a center line in Dalux, you will need to go to Settings -> Locations and then select the new "Center lines" option.


From here, it will be possible to add the file directly from your computer or from Dalux Box. Once the file is ready in the system, you will have the option of having it activated or not. This will affect the visibility of the center lines in the project. Active lines are visible and Deactivated will not be visible.



Active center lines will be visible from any "Top view" within Dalux. This means that you can access center lines, either from the map, model top view or drawings (also in Box for digital drawings or PDF drawings that have been mapped).


Center lines in Dalux will enable the creation of "cross sections" in your project, for any given point in the model. 

In order to create a cross section, click at any point along a center line. This will generate a line perpendicular to the alignment in that specific point, and you will get the option to generate a cross section. Click on the new "cross section" button to create the section.




From this view, it will be possible to measure lines or consult a specific point coordinate, if necessary.

mceclip9.png Metadata in Zones

Just like regular BIM objects, zones will be able to have their own properties or metadata. This information can be created directly in Dalux.

This metadata can be added to new zones at the moment of creating them or to existing zones in the project, in the edit menu.


This information can be written manually in Dalux or by copying it from a text or an excel file. Once all the information is in place, click "Save" to finally add the metadata to that zone.


You can access the metadata of the zone directly from Locations, or any top view where the zone is reachable by clicking on it and selecting the "properties" menu.


Pressing space for "zoom extent"

As part of our key shortcut functions, the "space" key will now have a double function:

  • If you select an object: Zoom to the marked object.

  • If no object is selected:  Zoom extent in the model.



Expand/collapse workflows, workflow-roles and user groups within the roles

All of the above can now be expanded or collapsed like it has always been possible with the work packages. This should make it easier to get a good overview on large projects. 


Easier to name task roles in workflows

It's now easier to give a task role a name. Simply click on a task role in the work package overview, where a pen will appear. Clicking on the pen will make it possible to add a name to the task role or renaming it.

Easier to name task roles in workflows.png

Giving the task role names can improve the user-friendliness when distributing tasks.


"Company name" has been removed from the receiving role in workflows

This has been removed as it was confusing that no one received the tasks even though there was a company name written in the role.

Company name has been removed from the receiving role in workflows.png

Pop up notification when creating a task

When creating a new task a popup notification will appear in Dalux Desktop and in the browser. This allows to open and view the created task with only one click. 

Pop up notification when creating a task.png

Notify for checklists

It is possible to send a notification about created or completed checklists out of Dalux. This can be used to inform project participants about specific work that has been done in Dalux.

Notify for checklists.png

Checklist templates can be locked by a company admin

This is to prevent project users to change templates where everything should follow a company standard. 

Checklist templates can be locked by a company admin.png

Added template version to the history of a checklist

Now you can always check which version of a template that was used for a checklist or a hold point checklist. To see the history open up the checklist, click on "More" -> "History".

Added template version to the history of a checklist.png

Choose standard list value in checklists templates through Excel import

This a small improvement to creation/updating checklist templates via Excel.

Choose standard list value in checklists templates through Excel import.png

See history of a hold point checklist

To see the complete history of a hold point checklist simply open it, click on "More" -> "History". This will show a complete log of who, when and what changes was made to the checklist. 

See history of a hold point checklist.png

Hide audit information from hold point checklists

Now audit information can be hidden on Hold Point checklists. Until now this feature was only available for checklists. 
To hide the audit information click into "Settings" -> "Hold point checklists" -> "More" -> "Report settings"

Hide audit information from hold point checklists.png

Clickable hold point checklist folders

The folders for hold point checklists are now clickable. This makes it possible to get a overview of multiple templates assigned to the same workflow. Before the update it was only possible to expand/collapse the folder. 

Clickable hold point checklist folders.png


Test plans needs a legend to explain what it shows

A legend have been added to the Test- and Inspection plan matrices to explain the different colors the and states the inspection points can have.

Test plans needs a legend to explain what it shows.png

Moved activation of test plan supervision 

Activation of test plan supervision has been moved to the test plan "card". Before you had to click into "Test plans" to do this. 

Moved activation of test plan supervision .png

Improved export for 360 photos and photo albums

When exporting 360 photos and photo albums meta data and overview drawings can now be included in the export. 

Improved export for 360 photos and photo albums.png

Improved weather reporting in Daily Log

In the Daily Log settings it is now possible to setup when weather data should be saved on your reports. 

Improved weather reporting in Daily Log.png

The weather information will now automatically be captured and visible on the reports:
Improved weather reporting in Daily Log2.png

Default templates for Daily Log

When creating a new project we added three default type templates. These can be edited on a project if needed. 

  • Manpower
  • Equipment 
  • Notes

New export options for Owners Portal export

When setting up export filters in Owners Portal it is now possible to choose if the report should contain the following:

  • Large images
  • No images
  • Attachments

New export options for Owners Portal export.png

Export of test- and inspections plans to Owners Portal

Test- and Inspection plans have been added as possible export filters in Owners Portal.

New export options for Owners Portal export2.png

Add attachments to meeting minutes

In the last release we added the possibility to link tasks to meeting items. In addition to that it will now also be possible add attachments. Simply click on the three dots on a meeting item and choose from our different attachment options.

Add attachments to meeting minutes.png

From the meeting item dialogue it is also possible to add the attachments and in this dialogue, we also show a preview of the attachments.

Add attachments to meeting minutes2.png

"Choose from Box" is only possible when Dalux Box Standard or Pro is activated.

Apartment owners can now only see their own apartment

If units are linked to zones on the project:

Apartment owners can now only see their own apartment.png

Then each apartment owner will only be able to see the relevant part of the plan drawing where his/hers
apartment is situated:

Apartment owners can now only see their own apartment2.png

Apartment admins can create issues on behalf of the apartment owner

Users in the Apartment administrators group will be able to create issues on behalf of the apartment

Apartment admins can create issues on behalf of the apartment owner.png

Apartment admins can export the issues from the list

Apartment administrators will now be able to export the issues from Apartments module:

Apartment admins can export the issues from the list.png


"Approval flows" renamed to "File flows"

Since the flow setup dialogue in the Box settings, covers both the approval and authorization flows, this setting has been renamed to "File flows":

Approval flows renamed to File flows.png

Set deadline for file flows (Video link)

You can now set number of days for each step in a approval- or authorization workflow:

Set deadline for file flows.png

When a deadline is set, the approver/authorizer will see this deadline in the approval-/authorization process. This is shown in the e-mail notification, in the dashboard and also in the list view for approvals/authorization:

Set deadline for file flows2.png

One day before a deadline is due, the responsible user/-s for the approval-/authorization step are being notified. The creator of an approval/authorization will also receive an notification when the deadline is overdue.

The deadline will automatically be set to 23:59 local time of the project and will also take non-working days into consideration, if this feature is used on the project:

Set deadline for file flows3.png

Metadata changes in Box

With the 2022.3 release back in July we introduced some major changes when changing metadata for files in a project. Every time metadata changes for a file that has already been shared or published, the file needed to be re-approved/-authorized in order to get the metadata changes shared/published.

In this update metadata changes works in the following way:

  • Making BIM changes will not create a new revision anymore. The following actions are considered BIM changes:
    • Linking a drawing to a building
    • Map drawing to a level
    • Link drawing to a 3D object group
    • Setting the discipline/subdiscipline for a drawing
    • Set drawing number
    • Set the scale
    • Change drawing height
    • Set "in location"
  • Linking files to a version set, distribution list or review packages will not create a new revision.
  • Adding a public markup from "Shared" will have to be re-authorized in order to be visible in published files.
  • Changing metadata like "Content description", "Title" or custom metadata in Files will increase the "Subversion" of a file. More about sub versioning in the next section.

When a metadata change is made that requires a new approval/authorization, the user will still be notified about it:

Metadata changes in Box.png

Subversion for metadata changes in Files and Shared files

To make it more clear what is a minor change (metadata change or adding a public markup) and what is a major change (new file upload/new published version) we are introducing subversion.

When enabling the subversions:

Subversion for metadata changes in Files and Shared files.png

The first number is the major version (1.1) and this number will only increase when a new file is uploaded to Files, a new file version is approved to Shared files or when a new shared revision is authorized to Published files.

The subversion (1.1) will increase when metadata is changed (with the exception of BIM-changes) that needs a re-approval/authorization. 

Two examples that would increase the subversion:

  1. A file has been uploaded as version 1.0 and approved to Shared files. Afterwards some additional metadata is added to the file (eg. content description) and this would give the subversion 1.1.
    Subversion for metadata changes in Files and Shared files2.pngTo get this added/changed metadata into shared files, this need to be approved again:
    Subversion for metadata changes in Files and Shared files3.png

  2. Version 3 of a file from Files is approved to Shared files for the second time with the status Shared for coordination. This version will get the shared revision 2.
    Subversion for metadata changes in Files and Shared files4.png
    The shared revision 2.0 is being authorized to published files for the first time and will get the published revision 1.
    Subversion for metadata changes in Files and Shared files5.png
    Afterwards a public markup is being made in Shared files which increases the shared revision to 2.1.
    To get the public markup out to Published files the shared revision 2.1 is being authorized again. We will also display in the list view that changes in the shared revision haven't been published:
    Subversion for metadata changes in Files and Shared files6.png
    This will then be authorized with the published revision 2. Since no changes can be made for published files, we do not support subversions for published revision. 
    Subversion for metadata changes in Files and Shared files7.png

    Here is a table view of the example above:
    Files (Version) Shared files (Shared revision) Published files (Published revision)
    1.0 1.0 -
    1.1 1.1 -
    2.0 - -
    3.0 2.0 1
    3.0 2.1 2
    3.0 2.2 3

Change status for shared files

It is now possible to change the status of a file in Shared files without affecting the status of the file in Files.

A use case could be, that a file is uploaded to Files with the status "Suitable for coordination". This status is used as a trigger for the approval-process with the goal to share the file to Shared files.

Once the files lands in Shared files it should not have the status "Suitable for coordination" anymore but instead have the status "Shared for coordination". Therefor we do now allow the status to be changed directly in Shared files:

Change status for shared files.png


Change status during the approval/authorization (Video link)

Instead of changing the status of a file after it is being shared, we have also added two features do so while approving/authorizing files.

Change status during manual approval/authorization

When selecting files and doing a manual approval/authorization under "More", you can now set the status for the file when approved or authorized:

Change status during manual approvalauthorization.png

When an outcome status is selected that would automatically trigger the next authorization flow, then the user will also get notified about this:

Change status during manual approvalauthorization2.png

Set "status when approved/authorized" in the workflow

You can now set the outcome status within the workflow:

Set status when approvedauthorized in the workflow.png

This makes it possible to define within the workflow what status should trigger the workflow (Flow trigger) and what the status of the file/files should be, once the workflow is completed.


Authorize files directly from Files

Files that are in Files can be directly authorized to Published files again without having to be shared first:

Authorize files directly from Files.png

When doing so, the file/files will automatically be in Shared files as well.


Add attachments to meeting minutes

In the last release we added the possibility to link tasks to meeting items. In addition to that it will now also be possible add attachments. Simply click on the three dots on a meeting item and choose from our different attachment options.

Add attachments to meeting minutes.png

From the meeting item dialogue it is also possible to add the attachments and in this dialogue, we also show a preview of the attachments.

Add attachments to meeting minutes2.png



Assets placed on Map

Asset locations can now be placed on Map locations, showing latitude and longitude information on placement. Placement is both possible directly from the locations module, or from the individual Assets.

Location module placement:

Assets placed on Map.png

Single location from Asset:

Assets placed on Map2.png

Assets placed on Map3.png

Assets placed on Map4.png

Expanding Excel export/import possibilities

In addition to the feature of creating Assets from Excel based on workpackage, template and name, It is now possible to import data into other metadata fields of an Asset.

Expanding Excel exportimport possibilities.png


Expanding Excel exportimport possibilities2.png

After selection of import from Excel, the changed excel export file is chosen for import, and the dialog below including overview over metadata fields for import and an error overview guides the import process.

Expanding Excel exportimport possibilities3.png

The export/import also features the possibility of creating Assets with all metadata fields available for the specified template chosen for the Assets wished for creation.


Keep all possible datavalues, when changing template on an Asset

When changing template on an Asset after datainput, the datavalues already input before the change occurs, will now migrate to the new template as well, if the datafield is also available on the destination template.

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