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Task statuses

This article explains the different statuses a task in Dalux can have. The status of a task is based on who is viewing the task, and where the task is located in a workflow.

Table of contents

  1. What is a task status?
  2. Create and assign a task
  3. Report a task ready
  4. Rejecting a task
  5. Approving a task
  6. Add information to a task

What is a task status?

Task status is how Dalux shows information about the current progress of a task. Task statuses are displayed with either a dot in a specific color or a dot and a line of text. Here is an overview of the different kinds of status a task can have.

  • - New
  • - Ongoing
  • - Rejected
  • - Reported ready
  • - Awaiting approval
  • - Approved, follow-up
  • - Approved, closed
  • - Rejected, closed (Approvals only)
  • - Discontinued
  • - Archived (Safety observations only)
  • - Draft

The display of a task's status is dependent on your role in the workflow. The result is that while the project manager might see a task as 'ongoing', the subcontractor might see it as 'awaiting approval'.

Create and assign a task

When a task is created and assigned to someone through a workflow, the task status will be displayed as "New" to the assigned person and "Ongoing" for the creator.

 Technical information

Note that if the task has changed work package/workflow after being created, users not part of the new work package/workflow will have restricted access to the task.

In this instance, the task is created by the carpenter (1) and is sent to the construction management (2).

  • For the carpenter (1) the task will have the Ongoing status, shown with
  • For the construction management (2) the task will have the New status, shown with
  •  Neither the architect (3) or engineer (4) can see the task, because it has not been assigned to them yet
Mobile PC

Create a task on Dalux Mobile

To create and assign the task, go to:

Locations Select a building and a level Press a location on the drawing New registration.

In the new window:

Choose task type Select a responsible Fill in the information Press the -icon to send it.

(Click the image to enhance)

Reassign a task

When a task is reassigned the same will happen as in the process above, just one link further down the workflow. In this example, the task is reassigned by the construction management (2) to the architect (4).

  • For the carpenter (1) and construction management (2) the task will have the Ongoing status, shown with
  • For the architect the task will have the New status, shown with
  • The engineer (4) cannot see the task, because it has not been assigned to them yet
Mobile PC
Reassign a task on Dalux Mobile

To change the assignment of the task, select the task from your inbox and then:

Press Assign.

In the new window:

Select the person you want to assign the task to Fill in the information  Press the -icon to send it.

(Click the image to enhance)

When reporting a task ready, the task status for the person reporting will show up as 'Awaiting approval,' while it will show up as 'Reported ready' for the person who needs to accept the task.

In this example, the architect (4) has reported that the task is ready.

  • For the carpenter (1) will have the Ongoing status, shown with
  • For construction management (2) the task will have the Reported ready status, shown with 
  • For the architect the task will have the Awaiting approval status, shown with 
  • The engineer (4) cannot see the task, because it has not been assigned to them yet

The task status for the project manager will still be 'Ongoing' as the contractor has not reported the task as ready.

Mobile PC

Report a task ready on Dalux Mobile

To report the task ready:

Select the task from your inbox, then:

Press Report ready.

In the new window:

Upload a picture/fill in the information Press the -icon to send it.

(Click the image to enhance)

When the construction management (2) reports the task ready, the task status will change to 'Awaiting approval' and the task status for the carpenter will be displayed as 'Reported ready'.

  • For the carpenter (1) will have the Reported ready status, shown with
  • For construction management (2) and architect (3) the task will have the Awaiting approval status, shown with 
  • The engineer (4) cannot see the task, because it has not been assigned to them yet

The task status for the architect remains unchanged because it still requires approval from the project manager.

Rejecting a task

When a task is rejected by the person it was assigned to, it will be displayed for that person as 'Awaiting approval' (for the rejection), while it will be displayed as 'Rejected' for the assignee.

In this example, the task is rejected by the architect (3) and is sent back to the construction management (2).

  • For the carpenter (1) will have the Ongoing status, shown with
  • For the construction management (2) will have the Rejected status, shown with
  • For the architect (3) the task will have the Awaiting approval status, shown with 
  • The engineer (4) cannot see the task, because it has not been assigned to them yet
Mobile PC

Rejecting a task on Dalux Mobile

To reject a task:

Go to your inbox Select the task  Press Reject .

In the new window:

Type in a reason for the rejection Press the -icon.

(Click the image to enhance)

After a task is rejected, the person assigned must decide on the next steps. They can either reassign the task to someone else or approve the rejection. If they approve the rejection, they can close the matter or decide to follow up on the task later.

Approving a task

When everyone has marked the task as ready and the carpenter approves it, the task status will display as 'Approved, closed' for everyone involved in the workflow.

  • The task will be shown with the Approved, closed status, shown with

Adding information to a task


When you add information, the task will not be moved forward in the workflow and is not sent to another person.

This also means that no notification is sent to another user.

The "add information" button has multiple purposes. For example, you can use it to provide extra details to answer a question from the person responsible for the task.

Mobile PC

Adding information on Dalux Mobile

To add information using the mobile app:

Select the task Press Add information.

In the new window:

 Fill out the necessary information and attach images Press the -icon to save the information.

(Click the image to enhance)

 Read more

If you want to learn more about creating new tasks, read this article: How to create and see Tasks.

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