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Add files to buildings

By adding building files to Box, it becomes easier to manage them together with other project files. This is particularly helpful when it comes to updating these files. You can add files that have been uploaded to Box to specific buildings.

Technical information

Once a building file has been added to Box, it cannot be removed without removing it from the building and then deleting it in Box.

How to add drawings to Locations from Box

You can add drawings or models uploaded to Dalux Box to a building. If you add IFC models from Box to a building, they will be processed so they can be viewed in Locations.

You cannot not add documents to buildings. Documents can be added to zones, rooms, and object groups. You can read more about that here: Attach and open a document in a zone or Add a document to your object group.

To add files to a building from Box, go to

Box Locate the files you want to add in the folder structure Select the files More  Add to Building

In the following window, select which building to add the files to.

(Click the image to enhance)

When adding the files to the building, you can change which discipline the files belong to. You can read more about disciplines and subdisciplines in this article: Disciplines and subdisciplines.

(Click the image to enhance)

If adding a model, you may need to create floors and map the drawings to the model. You can read more about how to do so in this article: Upload IFC model files and 2D drawings.

How to add drawings from Locations to Box

If you uploaded drawings or models to a building before a folder structure was created, you can later add the files from Locations to a Box folder. This is highly recommended because it makes it easier to update files in Box, rather than just having the files in a building.

This is done by going to Settings Locations Buildings Open the building

It's recommended to switch to the list view, because you can move multiple files at once.

(Click the image to enhance)

In the list view, select your files and then click More  Add to Box.

You will then be asked which folder in Box you wish the add the file to.

(Click the image to enhance)

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