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User groups

User groups are used to add individual users to certain groups for ease of setting permissions and access.

User groups are usually divided into roles and trades on the project. Within these groups, the different permissions in the project can be set.

This article explains the predefined user groups in Dalux, and how to create and manage custom groups.

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Table of contents

  1. Video
  2. How to set up user groups
  3. How to use user groups


How to set up user groups

 User rights

Only those in the project administrator user group can create custom user groups. Only project administrators can invite new users to all of the groups. Some exceptions are covered later in this article.

Note that all users in the project have access to the Users tab in Settings and can see all the other users and what groups they are in.

In custom user groups, a group admin can be assigned, who can then add and remove users to their group.

All users in a Dalux project (except Apartment administrators) have access to Location and Buildings.

To add users to user groups, open the user group and click Add. A user can be added via email. They will receive an invitation to the Dalux project. Users who have been invited but have not yet accepted the invitation will appear in red text.

If you have the role of a company administrator, you will see an 'All projects' tab. From there, you can add users from other projects within the company by selecting them from a list view.

(Click the image to enhance)

The process to edit or remove users is as follows: open the user group, select a user, and click Edit or Delete.

 Tips and tricks

If you have many users to add to a group or want to avoid writing each email address separately, you can import a list of users. To do so:

Go to the user group  More Download user import template.

Enter the details of the users you want to add to the group in the provided template. Afterward, go back to the user group in Dalux.

Click More Import users Choose the filled-out template with the information from your computer:

(Click the image to enhance)

Predefined user groups in Dalux

Dalux has several predefined user groups that need to be used to gain access to different settings.

 More Info

If you are unsure about assigning users to user groups, click the -icon. A pop-up will explain the different permissions within the group.

(Click the image to enhance)

General Field Box Tender Handover Apartments
Project administrators

Project administrators have access to all the project settings, and are responsible for administrating the Dalux project, Field, Box, and the users in the project.

Project administrators also have access to everything in Dalux Box for file management.

They can create new user groups and set permissions in every custom user group. They can add and remove users to all user groups in the project.

Note that the Tender and Handover modules, and the Apartments feature, each has separate administrator groups, which are used for managing these modules.

Project administrators can not access Tenders unless they are also in a Tender-related user group.

Custom user groups

To create a new custom User group, go to

Settings Users Add group.

The user group will need to be named first. Permissions can be copied from another group in the project. This can speed up the creation of user groups if you create a template user group with specific permissions e.g. for all subcontractors.

By default, all user groups have 'view' access to locations, but it is possible to set 'edit' permissions.

(Click the image to enhance)

 Tips and tricks

You can also use the -icon to switch to list view to get an overview of all users and their groups. You can switch back to the grid view by clicking the -icon.

(Click the image to enhance)

How to use user groups

Permissions in a custom user group

Custom user groups are used for managing access and permissions in the project. Certain functions in Dalux can only be used if the user group has the appropriate permissions. It is possible to fine-tune what users in certain groups have access to.

In custom groups, a group admin can be added. The administrators of a group can add or remove other users from the group. They can also create shared filters for different tools like tasks, checklists, files, and more.

To access the permissions for a custom user group, click the group to open it. Then click Add.

(Click the image to enhance)

These permissions vary depending on which features are activated.

Permission can be given to:

  • Read/write/edit certain folders in Box
  • View/edit locations and buildings
  • View/upload Capture (photo albums, 360° photos, SiteWalk)
  • Access Quantities
  • Access certain meeting minutes or permission to create follow-up meetings
  • Read/add and print access to specific distribution lists
  • Access and link files to specific version sets
  • Read access to specific mail archives
  • Read/edit/close comments in different communication channels
  • Model validation
  • Access to Owners Portal

From this menu, it is also possible to set a default responsible. A default responsible will always be set as the responsible when adding the user group to a role in a workflow. This setting does not automatically modify workflows already created. It is therefore recommended to set the default responsible, before creating workflows.

 More info

If there is doubt when assigning permissions, click the -icon to see an explanation of what the different permissions entail.

(Click the image to enhance)

Adding user groups to workflows

User groups should always be used in work packages and workflows instead of adding individual users. In this way, you only need to set up a work package once. Any personnel changes can be managed by adding or removing users from the User groups.

Adding a user group to a workflow is done by clicking on the role. Next, choose the user group and click 'Add'.

(Click the image to enhance)

 A note on company administrators

The rights of a company administrator overrule the rights of a user group. When a company administrator belongs to a custom user group, they will have access to and be able to view different data compared to other users in the same user group.

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