The model validation tool allows users to set requirements for clashes and clearances between elements in their building models without having to wait for feedback from a second party. Users with access can self-evaluate models using the feature.
The tool makes it possible to analyze whether elements comply with the clash and clearance requirements for the project by applying them to the model inside of Dalux, instantly providing users with the information they need to either:
- Make the necessary changes in the modeling software
- Collaborate with other project participants by commenting on elements that don't comply with the requirements
- Decide to ignore the clash/clearance issue if it is not relevant
Table of contents
How to use model validation for checks
To use the feature, go to Design
Select building
Model validation.
Technical information
Note that you can only perform model validation checks in the Dalux desktop app.
From here select the BIM file that you need to do checks on. Now choose to perform checks in either the 'My checks' area or in the 'Requirements' area if it has been set up.
When selecting an object in the model or an item from the list on the right, the shown clashes/clearance issues are grouped per object, thus selecting the object/item will display the object and all of the objects that clash with it:
(Click the image to enhance)
When you select an object, you will be presented with a list of all the individual objects that have issues with the selected object. This way you can select the individual objects to see just that clash/issue and evaluate it by commenting on it or ignoring it if the check is not relevant for you.
Tips and tricks
By clicking "C" a Box cut will be created around the selected issue making it possible to further focus on specific details of issues in the model. Use the 'Transparency' slider to visualize filtered-out objects if you want more context.
My checks
The 'My checks' area is used to individually look at issues by creating your own filters and applying them to the model, which lets you perform checks separate from the set requirements and evaluate the model(s). The filter works the same way as it does in Locations.
To filter for objects, simply click on the 'Category' button to filter by a category and/or click Add filter to add more properties to filter by:
(Click the image to enhance)
You then choose an object, as you would otherwise, to see the checks for that object.
Advanced Filter
The advanced filter is used to filter for specific clashes/clearance issues between multiple types of objects. You apply a filter for each of the object selections (A and B) that you want to check clashes between. This lets you specify in detail the kind of clashes you are looking for.
To create and apply an advanced filter, click just above the list of clashes and then
Advanced filter:
(Click the image to enhance)
The advanced filter works the same as when setting up checks for the 'Requirements'. Set up a filter for each selection. If you for example want to see clashes between walls and the structural framing, you can set 'Category' equals 'Walls' for selection A and 'Category' equals 'Structural Framing' for selection B:
(Click the image to enhance)
If you have created a filter that you want to return to at a later date, you can save it by clicking
Name the filter
If 'Requirements' have been set by your user group admin or by the project administrator, you can use these preset requirements to check your model for clashes and clearance issues.
Read more
If you want to learn more about setting up Model validation and requirements, read this article: Model validation: How to set up
To check your model using existing requirements:
Choose the model fileClick on the 'Requirements' tab
Choose the
Clearance check that you need to use
Click on the clashes/issues to check them:
(Click the image to enhance)
Then you proceed the same as when operating in the 'My checks' area, where you select an object within the filtered model, and it will display the objects that have issues with the selected object.
To collaborate with others, you can comment on issues both per object and per individual issue. Commenting on an object allows you to include all issues that are connected to the object in one single comment.
The comments will use the comment types and channels that are already set up within the project.
If for example, you are in doubt about something with a clash or clearance issue, you can communicate via the comments with other project participants.
Technical Information
Comments are global for users in the project.
To comment on an issue, select the object/group or the individual issue and click either on next to the issue or on
Add comment in the bottom toolbar:
(Click the image to enhance)
Then choose the appropriate type and channel for the comment and fill out the information for the comment:
(Click the image to enhance)
Read more
If you want to learn more about using Comments, read this article: How to use comments.
If an issue is either not relevant for you or you do not need to see it, you can choose to ignore it. 'Ignores' are personal, so other project participants will still be able to see the issue and it will not be marked as ignored for them.
To ignore an issue, select the issue then click Ignore:
(Click the image to enhance)
You can find your ignored issues by activating them in the filter. To unignore, select the issue and click Unignore.
(Click the image to enhance)
(Click the image to enhance)