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Fill out assets as a contractor in Dalux Handover

This article covers how a contractor can fill in the required data for the different assets/products used for the construction project. The delivery of this data is usually part of the handover process.

Dalux Handover is used to collect, sort, and manage information about the building and its systems in one platform. It can then be exported to Dalux FM or external systems.

Table of contents

  1. How to use Dalux Handover for asset handover
  2. Creating products in Dalux Handover
  3. Respond to tasks sent from the review responsible

How to use Dalux Handover for asset handover

What is the difference between an asset and a product in Dalux Handover?

Assets are the top category of different elements in the building, sometimes referred to as a building part. It can be elements like window systems, walls, smoke alarms, electrical systems, etc.

For each asset, a specific product is added.

An example would be an asset for 'roof window' and the product being the product name from a specific manufacturer of the roof windows used in the project.

  • Products can be created within an asset or separately
  • One product can be used on different assets
  • Only one product can be associated with a specific asset

Creating and managing assets in Dalux Handover

Start by going to the Handover module. In the Handover module, you can see the different

  • Assets
  • Products
  • Tasks
  • Files

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To create a new asset go to: Assets All assets Add.

Assets can be created without selecting a product, it can be added later.

Start by naming the asset and then select a template. The project or Handover administrator set the available templates.

If you're looking for something specific, you can search for templates to quickly find what you need.

Finish by clicking on 'Create'.

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After clicking 'Create' a new window will appear. This is the newly created asset and various data can be filled in. These are covered in detail below.

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Setting the location of assets

When an asset is created the location can be set to 2D or 3D. It can also be set whether the asset is located in a single location or multiple locations.

Click on Add under Location and select an option. In this case, the asset has multiple locations.

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This opens a new window. From here select the appropriate location. In this case, the roof level plan drawing is selected. It is now possible to click multiple places on the drawing, to mark the location of the asset.

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Alternatively, assets can be linked to 3D objects by creating filters in 3D. Here a filter has been created to find all the skylights in the 3D model.

The location of the asset is linked to the 3D objects from the filter when you click 'Save'.

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Creating the product for an assets

If products have already been created, they can be added to the asset.

New products can also be created by clicking Add under 'Product'. A new window will appear, where the name and manufacturer of the product can be selected.

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If no manufacturers have been created, click the -icon beside 'Manufacturer' to add a new company.

Click on Add and fill out the company data.

When done, select the company and press 'Select' to add it to the product.

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The 'Add product' window will open again. Press 'Create' to create the product.

When done with the above, the product window will open, and the information can be filled in.

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Documents such as mounting instructions, maintenance instructions, warranties, cleaning guides, etc. can be added.

It is also possible to add maintenance tasks. It is possible to set the interval and type of maintenance, including whether it is statutory or required for warranty.

A filled-out product can look something like this:

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When done with the product click on 'Save'. If needed, the product can be edited later.

Back in the asset window, the last data can be filled out.

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If the project allows it, the asset status can be changed in the top right corner. Picking a status will automatically save the asset.

Here Ready for review is selected and the asset will be sent to the responsible reviewer.

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Created assets and products can be found in the Handover module, and the status of the assets can be seen.

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Creating products in Dalux Handover

Products can also be created outside of an asset.

To create products, go to: Handover Products Add.

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Note that certain information can only be added after the product has been saved.

Fill in the data and click on 'Create'.

Products created here can be assigned to the different assets when creating or editing assets.

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To edit or remove a product, mark it in the list view and click on either Edit or Delete from the top menu.

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Respond to tasks sent from the review manager

Assets can be reviewed and feedback can be given using tasks.

Tasks in Dalux Handover work the same as tasks in Dalux Field but are contained within the Handover module, and always linked to an asset.

Tasks relating to Handover can be found in Handover Tasks.

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A task contains the link to the associated asset, and audit trail for the communication.

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The asset can be opened directly from the task, and the data can be edited. When done the asset status can be changed.

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Remember to report the task as completed with Report ready so it leaves your inbox and notifies the review manager of the change.

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